Chapter 87

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Brooklyn was humming to herself, as she packed her messenger bag. She had her ID, her school ID, her paperwork that she needed to prove she had finished her classes, her cell phone, and an assortment of pens and pencils as well as a calculator. She debated taking her kindle, wondering if there would even be time to read, but shrugged and added that as well. Pausing in her humming she went over everything one last time, before giving herself a firm nod, and flipping the flap over, picking the messenger bag up, going to place it over by the door.

Steve was finishing up in the kitchen, cleaning from the mess left over from breakfast, and she watched as the muscles in his shoulders flexed slightly as he scrubbed the sink clean.

He glanced over his shoulder at her, smiling. "Ready?"

"I think so." She shrugged, letting the air leave her. "I mean, I think I have everything I need."

"You're gonna do great." He assured her, as he pulled the trap from the sink, coming around the counter to tap it gently against the edge of the garbage can. He went and put it back, before washing his hands, drying them with the towel on the oven handle. "I have a surprise for you."

"Oh?" She perked up. It had been a while since Steve had managed to arrange a surprise for her. The last real one being... well, the ring and collar. "What is it?"

He smiled, going over to the fridge, opening it and pulling out a bright blue insulated lunchbox. He was blushing slightly as he turned it to face her, and she let out a light bark of laughter, as she saw the cartoon version of himself standing proudly on the front of it.

"Captain America lunchbox?" He offered it to her.

Brooklyn took the lunchbox, running her fingers over the artist's depiction of him. "You got me a lunch box."

"I made you a lunch." He corrected, grinning again. "The fact that it's in that lunch box is just.. coincidence."

"uh huh." she nodded, pursing her lips. "I guess that would be one. Just found it lying around, huh?"
"Yeah." He nodded, reaching back to rub his head, his other hand landing on his hip. "I mean, the things you find when you go through the cupboards around here."

"Well, it's understandable." She leaned over setting the lunchbox on the counter, before stepping up to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, resting her chin on his chest. "But you made me a lunch."

Steve bent down, kissing her, as he placed his hands on her hips. "I just want you to be prepared for today. I made sandwiches. I put in a few packages of those cheese crackers that Juliana likes. A couple bottles of juice and a few of water. Fruit snacks. Some cheese. Dried fruit. And a special surprise, if you look for it."

"Is it the test answers?" She asked, grinning.

He brought his hand down on her backside, a little lighter than she would have liked, but they were short for time today. So she forgave him.

"No cheating." He told her sternly. "I want you to focus on doing your best. Because you are ready for this. You've been studying. You've passed the practice tests you've been doing for the past week. You know the material."
She hummed, nodding. "I do. I'm ready."

"I don't want you to worry about anything. Just focus on the test." He leaned down, kissing her again. "You ready to go?"

"Just about." She sighed, pulling away from him. "I just want to run a brush through my hair, and put it up, so it's out of the way today."

"Sounds good." he let her go, stepping back. "I'm gonna have one last cup of coffee while you do that. Then we can go. Best to give us enough time to get to the testing center. I want to make sure you have a few moments to do your breathing, before you go in."
Brooklyn laughed. "Steve, you do remember what I used to do before I came to New York, right? Stress is nothing new to me."

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