Chapter 38

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Brooklyn held the phone between her ear and her shoulder, sifting through her closet. "Kitty, he says he's taking me to a steak house. How dressy should I be?"

She heard the older woman laugh on the other end. "That depends on the steak house, Honey. This is New York. Some of them have dress codes. What else is he planning?"

"A movie." She pulled out a couple dresses, throwing them on the bed. "Then dinner."

Kitty was silent for a moment. "Which steak house?"

"Um..." Brooklyn thought about it for a moment. "Peter Luger."

"The plum dress. The halter top, the one with the petticoats." Kitty's response was instant. "Wear the black shrug. Black heels. Hair half up, half down. Silver jewelry. Dark eye makeup, try to match the dress with your lipstick. Light powder and foundation."

Brooklyn blinked. "Okay?"

"Do not ask to see the bill." Kitty ordered. "And let him order for you. That includes the wine."

"Kitty?" Brooklyn asked, pausing in sifting through her underwear. She was going to need something strapless with the plum dress. "Should I be worried?"

"No. It's the way it should be, if a man takes a woman he's dating out. He pays, and you can let him order, especially if you don't know the menu. Plus, it's also a good test to see if he knows you well enough to know what you like to eat."

"But I'm not picky." Brooklyn held up a strapless black bra, frowning. "Strapless bra or...?"

"I would suggest a corset, if you got it fitted. Garter belt and stockings, something lacy as underwear. Give him a treat, for taking you out to eat at such a nice place." Kitty giggled. "But, just so you remember, you don't have to sleep with him, if you don't want to."
"Why wouldn't I want to?" She found the corset Kitty was talking about, at the back of the drawer, turning to toss it on the bed, before digging for the matching panties. "I enjoyed it last night. Very much. I was hoping he would be willing to continue to do it again tonight."

Kitty was silent on the other end of the line, again. Brooklyn could hear Steve and Juliana talking, in her bedroom, while he helped her pack for the sleep over. After figuring out the details, it was agreed that they would drop her off at Patricia's house. What she didn't tell the other woman was the reason for that. Patricia didn't need to know it was so Brooklyn knew who's house to burn down if anything happened to her sister. Steve had reached out to someone at the Tower to get his hands on one of the small panic buttons that were in stock, for Juliana to take with her. He was simply waiting on the message to go meet them, away from the apartment.

After finishing up the PSA's, helping Steve out of the outfit that she wanted to throw into the Hudson, and dropping off the merchandise that they had been told to take with them at the apartment, they had to rush to sign Juliana out. For the first time since her starting school, Juliana was one of the last students to be signed out. Juliana hadn't acted like it bothered her, but there had been a moment, when she had seen them, that Brooklyn had seen her shoulders relax, as if she was waiting to be abandoned. Coming home, she had refused to let go of one of their hands, alternating depending on who was closest. Being allowed to choose what she wanted out to the merchandise had been met with a welcome smile, and as Brooklyn had predicted, one of the objects was indeed the doll. Steve had simply rubbed the back of his head, slightly uncomfortable, before accepting the hug from Juliana.

Informing the little girl that she was going to be spending the night at her friends house had been met with both confusion and excitement. Excitement, because she really did like Carrie, and was calling her a 'best friend' now. Confusion, as she didn't understand the practice. Brooklyn had decided to leave the explanations of the practice to Steve, while she sliced up apples and cheese for an after school snack.

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