Chapter 41

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Brooklyn sighed, as she watched Kitty go through the racks of clothing. They were currently at Saks, having started hours earlier, and while Brooklyn was well aware of how her stamina worked, Kitty while shopping was on a level that even she aspired to. The older woman didn't seem to be flagging in her shopping anytime soon, and Brooklyn was just taking a moment off her feet, while she observed the people and things around her.

Shopping was not one of her real passions, despite Kitty's efforts. She much preferred to just grab what she needed and get going. Something that she was vastly different from the other women around her. Even Natasha, who had joined them at the start of their trip, seemed to peruse, rather then just grab and go. The redhead was currently a few racks away from Kitty, comparing two shirts that looked very similar to Brooklyn.

She had come out with a mission, though. One that had yet to be completed. Steve had pointed out, that while her outer wear was very nice, she wasn't really prepared for a New York winter. The recent days of rain had also convinced her of this. So, she was on the look out for a nice winter coat, one that would keep the wind and rain out, as well as a few pairs of shoes for the winter. She had a few requirements, of course. Good grip, low heel, maybe mid calf. Decent enough for both rain and snow. She had a sneaky suspicion that the higher end stores that Kitty was looking at might not carry that. From what Brooklyn had been able to suss out, high end designers were after producing looks and style, not functionality. It was times like this that she wished she could stomp around New York in her combat boots, to show people what a good pair of boots really looked like.

She leaned back on the bench, her arms supporting her, waving the leg cross over the one, as Natasha, apparently satisfied with her choice, came over to sit next to her.

"So, this is how you shop." The redhead commented, looking around the floor of the department store. "No holds barred. No price limit."

Brooklyn shrugged. "It makes Kitty happy. And a happy Kitty leads to a happy Mr. Marino."

"Keep the wife happy, the boss is happy. Got it." Nat nodded her head. "She is definitely going to be burning holes in his credit card, that's for sure."

Nodding, Brooklyn looked down at the bags at their feet. It wasn't even half of what Kitty had already bought. They had to make a trip to the SUV Kitty had picked Brooklyn up in, to drop off a load of bags already. "She does a lot of donating to women's shelters, sexual assault groups, things like that. As well as a fair amount of shopping for family members. She likes to shop, but Mr. Marino doesn't like to have a house full of things. This is a middle ground they have agreed on."

Nat cocked her head, glancing at Brooklyn. "Steve mentioned she liked shopping for you and your sister."

Blinking, Brooklyn looked at her. "He did? Huh."

"He didn't mention that he was worried about it?" Nat frowned.

"No." Brooklyn frowned, as well. "But it makes sense. He is always so worried about money. 'Brooklyn, that's too expensive when the other brand is just as good.' 'Brooklyn, you can't buy that, just because it's shiny.' 'Babydoll, we can't keep that amount of money in the apartment! It's too much!' On and on about it."

"What did you buy that was shiny?" Nat's eyes glittered with amusement.

"This little crystal dog. It was so pretty in the sunlight. Which, I thought, was rather odd of him to have a fit about, since he's the one who pointed out that buying things that make me happy are normal." Brooklyn sighed. "And money is just money. I can always make more. One way or another. But he's so hung up on it."

Nat pursed her lips. "He did live through the Depression. Money might be a sore point for him. I gather, from what he says sometimes, that he didn't have a lot of it, before the War."

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