Chapter 17

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Steve was making sure he had everything, when Natasha knocked on the door of his private floor. Frowning, he checked the time. It was only eight a.m. which was not a time that anyone usually bothered him. For the most part, the team didn't feel the need to get together before ten, unless they had discussed having breakfast or training together before that time. So, having anyone knock on his door, before that time was unusual. He opened the door, Natasha not even waiting for him to invite her in, as she slipped past him.

"Come in." He sarcastically said, shutting the door.

"You are getting sloppy, Steve." She stated in reply, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.

He sighed. "I don't know what you are talking about, Nat."

"Disappearing for the whole night, right after we get back from a mission? The late-night trips, the stupid smile you think you are hiding?" She looked him up and down. "And right now? You were trying to sneak out of the Tower without anyone noticing."

"I'm not trying to be slick, or sneak out, Nat." He shook his head. "I just have somewhere I have to be, today."

"This early in the morning? I know you are all about getting up and getting ahead of the day, but where could you possibly have to be, at eight in the morning?" She eyed him. "You are wearing one of your nice shirts, your nice pants, and it looks like you tried to do something nice with your hair. Combine that with the wrapped present, which is obvious by the wrapping job, that you wrapped by yourself, it looks like you are going to some sort of party. And you, Steve, are super awkward at social events. So, if you are willing to go to a party, which also looks like a little girl's birthday, based on the wrapping paper, that has to mean that the person or persons involved are important to you. So, who is the girl you are trying to see?"

"Nat...." He sighed and shook his head. "Look, it's all rather new... and I don't want to... She doesn't want to be a part of my public life. She just wants to stay private, as much as possible."

"But you are seeing someone." Nat stated.

"Yes." Because it was true. As far as he was concerned, he and Brooklyn were seeing each other, and that was that. Brooklyn might still be on the fence, but the way she was willing to kiss him last night, when he picked her up from the club, the way she just threw herself into his arms... Yeah, they were seeing each other.

"And she has a kid." Nat pointed at the wrapped present, done up in pink paper and ribbon. "A little girl."

"Kid sister, actually." He shrugged. "She took custody of her sister when their father had to leave them."

Nat's eyebrows raised. "Are you sure she's legal? I know back in your day; the age thing was a little bit- "

"She's legal." Steve rolled her eyes. Oh, yeah, Brooklyn was definitely legal. Sixty plus years old, she was legal.

Nat picked up the present, and he had to stop himself from grabbing it from the red head's hands. "Buying the kid a present, already? Either the big sister is really welcoming, or you are trying to get into her good graces. Which is it?"
Steve sighed. "Neither. The kid sister likes me, a lot."

"So, what's the plan? Go over, have breakfast, drop off the present, and consider it good?" Nat turned and placed the present back on the counter.

"Actually," Steve straightened his body to his full height. "It's go to the salon, then the zoo, and then a family party." He left out the part where the party was actually THE FAMILY, not necessarily her family. Nat didn't need to know the possible mob connections.

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