Chapter 93

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Brooklyn jerked awake, inhaling sharply as she rolled over, nearly elbowing Steve in the face.
He smiled, reaching out and stroking her arm as she flopped back down. "You've been asleep for almost two hours, now."

She groaned, rolling over to bury her face in the pillow. "I could sleep another twelve, and be perfectly fine."

"I know." He soothed. "And I know if you sleep any longer, you'll be up all night. I know you're still tired. But our little one is asking for you. She's not exactly happy you're out of sight."

"She has you." Brooklyn grumbled, rolling over to face him. "She has Nat, and Banner. Hell, she's got the chance to bother her fabled Iron Man! What does she need me for?"

"Because she loves you. And you are her constant." Steve informed her, smiling softly, before bending down and pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "Just as you are mine."

"I am not constant." She argued. "The only constant in life is change. Do you know who said that?"

He looked confused. "No. Should I?"

"Buddha." she sat up, sighing, reaching up to scratch at her head. "Don't ask me where I picked that one up."

"I won't." he agreed, climbing off the bed, offering his hand to help her. "Unfortunately, by this point, if you need a shower, it's gonna be cold. Everyone else has already had one."
"Including you, I see." She sniffed, arching an eyebrow at him.

"Well, someone told me I was a mess. And I kind of had a bit of a tussle in the wooded area, earlier." He grinned, puling her up against his body. Bending down, he pressed a long kiss to her lips. "Besides, I wasn't going to give Tony anymore ammunition against us."

"Yes, because God forbid, Stark learn to mind his own damn business." she snarked, wrapping an arm around his neck, while placing her other hand on his chest. Growing serious, she sighed. "How are you doing?"

"Better." He sighed as well, before shaking his head. "I feel like an idiot, letting the Maximoff girl get to me, like that. Pulling every little fear out, and twisting it."

"She knew what she was doing." Brooklyn stroked his chest. "Best not let it get to you. You know now, and if she tries it again, you can maybe fight back. Besides, you're always an idiot. Not gonna be the first time you feel like that."

He made a sound in his throat, before barking out a short laugh. "Yeah, i had not been missing the sass."

"But you missed this ass." she grinned up at him. "As evidenced by the fact that you gave it such a good spanking earlier."

He laughed again. "Okay, enough, Babydoll. I offered to cut some wood for Barton and his wife. Apparently during the winter they went through most of their stock, and he's been so busy with us, he hasn't been home to do the list she's got wracked up."

"Ah. So in exchange for room and board, you're gonna help Barton with his honey-do list." She nodded. "Makes sense."

"Honey-do?" He frowned as she pulled away.
"You know." She waved a hand, reaching for the cardigan at the foot of the bed, where she had thrown it after changing her clothes. "You come home, and she goes 'Honey, do this. Honey, do that.' Honey-do."

He folded his arms across his chest, watching her as she slid the cardigan over her head. "That's what you've been doing. You have this... mental list, of things you want me to do, when I'm home."
"Yup." She pulled her hair out from the collar, yawning. "Mainly because I like making you useful. You don't get to float on your good looks and your ability to provide me with orgasms, Steve. You have to do a little work."

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