Chapter 3

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Marcus sat next to her on the bed, his hands folded and hanging between his knees. "Walk me through this one more time."

Brooklyn sighed, already tired of the questions. "Okay."

"So, your father is James Barnes, the childhood friend of Steve Rogers, who became captain America. And he was captured by HYDRA- "

"Twice." She interjected.

"Twice, by HYDRA, who turned him into the Winter Soldier. Then you were born."

"Yes. I was born." Personally, she didn't really see the fascination. Marcus had been picking over the details of everything he had heard for the whole morning. Lunch was due soon. They were still on lockdown. There had been a great deal of activity in the hall, people coming and going. But her father had not returned. She wasn't sure if that was a good sign or not.

"After you were born, you were taken away, for some years, and then given to your father?"

She groaned. "The story hasn't changed since you started asking. I was about Juliana's age when I was given to my father."

"So, the Winter Soldier... Is he a good father?" Marcus chortled.

Brooklyn side-eyed him. "As good a father as one can be in places like this. He was affectionate. He cared for me. "

He nodded. Inhaled and then let the air out of his lungs with a low whistle. "I guess family is always complicated."
she turned to look at him fully, her mouth falling open. Then, after a beat, she burst into laughter. He joined in. Juliana paused, the bricks she had been stacking on the floor, before giggling as well.
after a few minutes, they all quieted down.

"I guess you have a few tales of family issues, then?" Brooklyn smiled. "Go on, share."

Marcus groaned. "Oh, you don't want to hear about my family."

"If you feel the need to keep poking at mine, yeah, I do."

He huffed. "Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you." He pulled his body fully on to the bed and pressed his back to the wall. "When I was three, my father was killed in the crossfire between my uncle's men and some members from another crew. My mother crawled into a bottle, and never came out. So, I spent most of my childhood with my uncle and his wife. When I came out, when I was in high school, at least they didn't judge me. My mom, well she went kinda insane, and tried to knock my head in with a liquor bottle."

Brooklyn winced. "I guess I don't understand. Why would she be upset?"
He stared at her, incredulously. "Seriously? You get that I like to sleep with men, rather than women, right?"

"Well, yeah, but why would that be anyone's problem, but yours?"
Marcus tilted his head back and gazed at the ceiling. "Where were you when I was growing up?"

She laughed. "Probably asleep in cryo."

"I seriously could have used you on my side when I came out to my family." He reached out and took her hand, giving it a squeeze. "You really don't see an issue with it?"

Brooklyn shook her head. "No. Like I said, what you do is your business."

"I had to join HYDRA to find an ally." He laughed. "God, how the world turns."

For a brief moment, the two of them were able to forget where they were. For Brooklyn it was a new experience. Ever breath she had ever taken was a reminder of who and what she was. What she had done, to survive. Marcus, on the other hand, enjoyed the reminder that there was more to existence then HYDRA facilities. Their stolen moment of calm was broken by Juliana, who climbed up on the bed to sit between the two of them.

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