Chapter 40

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Brooklyn would never be able to say what popped into her head to make her want to suck his cock in the car. She had no idea where the urge came from. All she knew, at least in this moment, was that he was occupied, and she was not. And if she was not occupied, then she had free rein. Steve was always telling her to do what she felt like, and this felt right. It felt more than right. It was something that she needed to do.

After removing her shoes so she was more comfortable, as well as lessening the risk of scratching up the car's interior, she had slipped under his straining arm. There wasn't a whole lot of room to work with, the car itself wasn't ideal for this sort of thing, but she had a feeling that in the end, neither of them would care.

He might have been protesting, token ones at best, but when she was able to pull his cock out of his underwear, It was hot, throbbing, and already leaking in her hands. The few strokes she gave it, before lowering her head to swab the tip with her tongue, urged him to leak more. The flavor of his cum, which was quickly becoming one of her new flavors, was enough to make her moan. She could feel the muscles of his thigh jumping under her, as well as the strain in the arm above her. She was trapped, in a way. But since she had willingly stuck her head into that trap, she was strangely okay with it.

Dabbing the tip of her tongue onto the tip of his cock, working the looser skin up and down, she pulled back enough to plant a kiss, right on the cock that had been instrumental in giving her so much pleasure, as of late. The kiss caused him to groan, and looking up as well as she could through her eyelashes, she spotted him looking down at her, his jaw working, eye blazing.

"Babydoll, this is not the place-" He began, sternly.

Well, to hell with that.

She cut him off by driving her mouth down over his cock, pushing as much of him into her as she could. The head pushed past the back of her mouth, into her throat, and she worked the muscles there like she had taught herself, until she was taking as much as she could, given her position. Frustrated by the lack of full coverage on her part, she wrapped her hand around what she couldn't swallow, stroking it.

The first time she had done this, she had been trying to mimic the videos she had seen on the internet. That Steve had enjoyed it so immensely, despite his false accusations afterwards, was enough of a reason for her to continue the practice. The fact that she had discovered, over the past month, that she enjoyed doing it, if only for the fact that it was when she had him at his most venerable, well, that was all the more reason for her to keep doing it. Steve had proven to be rather difficult on the subject, though.

His argument was, while he did enjoy getting oral sex, most of his enjoyment came from watching her come apart at his hands. And if she was on her knees, that tended to be rather difficult for him to do. More often then not, she would be in the middle of performing oral sex on him, and he would grow frustrated with the fact that he could not touch her the way he wanted to, make her cum the way he felt she needed to. He would stop her, long before he came, and position her in a way that allowed him to play.

Not tonight, she smirked as well as she could around a mouthful of cock. Tonight, she had him trapped, just as much as she was. Unless he was able to pull over and somehow maneuver his large frame around in this tiny car, she was going to be able to suck him until he came in her mouth. She had a feeling, though, that the traffic they were currently stuck in would stop him from that.

Based on their location, and the speed of which traffic was moving, she figured she had maybe twenty minutes, before he was able to pull the car over into a place where they could park. But even that was a five minute drive from the apartment. So, would Steve decide to pull over, or would he continue the drive home, before she was able to make him finish? The race, it seemed, was on.

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