Chapter 5

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Rogers grinned widely at her statement. "Any information is helpful." He looked around them and nodded his head. "There's a coffee shop a few blocks that way, we can sit and talk."
Brooklyn shook her head. "Nope. I was serious. I really do have to get home."

"What- "

Brooklyn cut him off. "And I'm not talking to you." She looked at Wilson. "I have your number. I will text you tomorrow, a time and place. Leave THAT" She pointed at Rogers. "At home. You or I don't talk."

"We can always take you in, see what charges the government would like to press against you." Rogers folded his arms across his chest, looking down at her.

"I'm pretty sure it wasn't charges you were pressing against me, earlier, Rogers."

There was a beat of silence, before Wilson burst out laughing. Rogers stared at her, wide eyed. She felt the blush on her cheeks

She slapped her hand over her mouth, eyes going wide. "I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from. No, I do. I'm tired. And I want to go home. So, like I said. Wilson, I will text you tomorrow."

Brooklyn turned on her heel to walk away, only to be interrupted by Rogers. "Look, I may have questions as well. It would be better if I came along as well."
She heaved a sigh and turned to face him, putting her hands on her hips. "I said no. I think it's better if you and I," She waved one hand between them, "Did not have any more contact."

"that's not gonna work for me." He stepped closer. She knew what he was doing.

Narrowing her eyes, she stepped closer to him, and poked him in his chest. "And I am telling you, I don't care! It's not about what works for you, its about what works for me. And I say, Wilson, or no one."

He grabbed her arm. "I'm not going to let you- "He stopped, his eyes wide.

"Hey, okay, you two." Wilson tried to pull them apart. He stopped when her realized where Brooklyn's other hand was.

Tucked between Rodger's legs, with her knife in her hand.

She pulled it up tighter between his legs. "Don't ever touch me again, unless I allow it."

There was a challenge in his eyes, as his breathing deepened. "that's not what you said earlier tonight."

Brooklyn felt something, deep inside her, respond to his challenge. But instead of it telling her to fight, it was trying to tell her to surrender. She fought it off. She was her father's daughter, and no longer would she allow a man to have her surrender. "It was a onetime offer, Rogers. And you turned it down. Consider it expired."

Rogers was pulled away by Wilson, who looked at Brooklyn. "Give us a minute."
She sneered. "I'm counting."

They went a few feet away, where it looked like they were arguing in whispers. Rogers clearly didn't like what Wilson was saying. Hands on his hips, face pulled, and teeth bared, he listened to Wilson who was gesturing between the two of them and Brooklyn. Finally, he nodded, and stalked back to her.

"Tomorrow, you meet Sam." He inhaled and let the breath out on a growl. "Don't run."

"Or what?" She challenged.

Rogers clearly didn't like that. He leaned down, practically touching his nose to hers. "Or I will hunt you down."

Brooklyn wanted to push it. She really did. But she instead took a deep breath and nodded. "Fine. Now, can I go?"

"Let us walk you home. Just to make sure you get there safe." Wilson suggested.

She laughed. "That will be a hard pass, Boys." She began walking backwards, keeping her eyes on Rogers. He definitely did not look happy. "Why would you ever think I would let you know where I live?"

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