Chapter 81

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Steve nodded. "That is correct. What I feel is best. You need to remember that."

"I know." She winced. "I forget, sometimes."

"More than a few, Babydoll." He sighed, looking a little apologetic. "That's partially my fault. I haven't been helping you remember."

Brooklyn wanted to take more responsibility. "I also haven't been... I haven't been behaving myself."

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow. "How have you been misbehaving, Babydoll? Is it time for confession?"

She shifted on her knees, eager to share all her petty behavior. "Yes, Sir."
Steve walked over to the kitchen, setting the paddle down on the counter next to the album, before rummaging though the cupboards, pulling out a bottle of wine and a wine glass. He made quick work of opening the bottle, pouring himself a glass, and taking a deep drink. Refilling the glass, he came back over, picking up the paddle, until he was standing in front of her again.

"Alright, Babydoll." He took another drink from the glass. "Go on, tell me. What have you been doing, that's been naughty?"

"I've been putting salt in your food. More than necessary. I've been putting sugar in your coffee." She paused, licking her lips, making sure to keep watching him. "I put hot sauce in your fettuccine the one time, when you burned your tongue. I've been moving your shaving kit, everyday. I've been putting knots in your shoelaces-" she stopped at his scoff.

"I know all of that." He shook his head, looking disappointed. "Tell me about the socks, Brooklyn."

Flushing in embarrassment, she nodded. "I've been putting holes in your socks."

He made a sound of satisfaction. Taking another drink of the wine, he nodded. "How did you do it? I couldn't figure that one out. Because I bought that one pack, putting them in the drawer, and when I went to go get a pair, there were holes in them. I just couldn't catch you at it."

She sighed. "When you were in the bathroom. Or distracted by Juliana."

"Was she in on it?" He asked sharply. "Were you having your sister help you?"

"No." she denied. "She didn't have anything to do with it... I swear."

He began pacing around her. She felt his hand brush her hair, moving it over one shoulder, before he ran the paddle along her shoulder. The hand holding the wine glass was swinging gently by his hip as he passed in front of her line of vision, and she tracked it, before he went around her again. "You aren't lying to me, to protect her, are you?"

She felt her back go stiff for a moment, at the suggestion that he would go after Juliana, before she relaxed. Steve wouldn't ever harm Jules. He loved her, almost as much as she did. Brooklyn was certain that if it came down to it, he would even risk the world, to save her sister. That wasn't to say he wasn't strict with the little girl, because there were times when he was. Times when he corrected her behavior, when he felt it was needed. Steve Rogers believed that Jules should be raised a certain way, that was for sure. Mostly to make sure that nothing from their combined past would affect her future. If he was able to curb some of the more... naturally inclined behaviors towards that which might have already been instilled by HYDRA, the better.

"I am not lying." She assured him. "Juliana didn't know what I was doing."

The paddle brushed her shoulder blades, and she arched her back into it, slightly. She tried not to let the tremble of anticipation show in her hands, which still held out the cuffs. They were ceremonial, really. Cheap vinyl, posing as leather. Fake fur lining the insides. Chrome colored metal, posing as chains. They would snap, with the slightest provocation, if she really fought. But if he put them on her, they would be as strong as the Vibranium his shield was made of. In her mind, she would be bound so tightly, only his permission would set her free.

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