Chapter 90

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Barton took her hand firmly, and she noted the calluses on it. "I hope you don't mind if I want to keep your hands where I can see them, after last time."

"Makes sense." Brooklyn nodded. "I am sorry about that, by the way."

"Well, you didn't kill me, so I guess there was an upside to it. Besides, not the first time I've had my bell rung." He shrugged, letting go of her hand to lean over the bar, waving at the bartender who rushed over. "What are you drinking tonight?"

"Anything." She shrugged. "It doesn't matter."

"Huh." He looked at her, as if assessing her. "You know, you were a legend, back in the day."

"So I've heard." She turned to the bartender. "Anything fruity, sweet, and strong. And triple it."

Barton ordered a beer, before raising an eyebrow at her. "That's gonna lay you on the floor."

"I'm guessing you are aware that it won't." She leaned her forearms on the bar, lifting one foot a bit, rotating her ankle. And let out a sharp squeak as the vibrator went off for a second. Spinning around, she glared at Steve, who was smirking. She tilted her head in Barton's direction, before turning back to the bar.

He was watching her with interest. "You're a jumpy one. Never would have expected that, with the way Nat talks about you."

"I don't do that sort of thing, anymore." She watched as the bartender mixed her drink. "Or I try not to."

He was silent, reaching over the bar to pick up a straw, putting it in his mouth, and chewing on it. "I don't know. I saw some of what you used to do."
"I wasn't in a good... mindset, that night." she allowed. "What happened... Yeah."

"Yeah." He agreed. "I think anyone of us would have been hard-pressed to let him out of that building intact."

She fell silent, trying to not remember that night. "Still, I could have handled it better."

"Well, you didn't kill me, so thanks for that." He nodded, relaxing around the shoulders. "I really appreciate it."

"Hmm." She shrugged. "I'll admit, I would have, if I hadn't seen that little 'a' on your shoulder. And even then, it was only because I didn't want to kill someone who has my guy's back, in a fight. I'm not that altruistic."

She was playing with the ring on her finger, as she made this admission, and Barton noticed.

"Nat said he got you a rock." He nodded towards the ring. "When's the big day."

"I haven't accepted." She smiled at the bartender as he slid her drink in front of her. She picked it up, taking a sip, appreciating the bite of the alcohol. "I'm still thinking about it."

"Have you taken the ring off, ever?" Barton took the beer bottle the bartender handed him, taking a deep pull.

"No." She shook her head. "It's getting familiar. I don't like change."

"Well, the way I see it," He tilted his bottle in her direction, as if to emphasize his point. "If you haven't taken the ring off, it means you already know your answer. You just gotta say the words."

He turned, and started to walk away, before tossing over his shoulder, "Don't keep him waiting forever. I think he's waited long enough for his happy ending."

Brooklyn snorted, watching Barton enter the crowd, before picking up her glass, and heading back up to where Steve and Wilson were playing pool. She paused at the top step, watching the carefree expression on Steve's face as he took some ribbing from Wilson for missing a shot. Steve turned his head, spotting her, and his smile changed. It went from carefree, to loving, wanting... the smile he had for her.

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