Chapter 62

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Brooklyn frowned softly, as she helped her sister dry off after her bath. The cuts on her knee she had sustained from the fall at school, almost a week ago, were not yet healed. They weren't as angry looking, the scabs smaller, but they still should have healed by now. She didn't say anything to her sister, though, finishing up toweling her hair, before pressing a kiss to her head, telling her to get into her jammies, and to brush her teeth.

Leaving the bathroom, shutting the door behind her, she went into the living room, going over to lean over the back of the couch, wrapping her arms around Steve's neck from behind. He was watching the evening news, getting more than a little disgruntled at some of the things that had been happening in the city. The spat of good weather, with most of the snow melting, had led to a rash of crimes in the City.

"I want you to be more careful, coming home from school." He informed her, reaching up to hold one of her forearms. "Maybe you should go back to carrying those devices you used to, coming home from the club. There's been a recent surge in daylight crimes."

"Steve, no one is going to mess with me." She reminded him, smiling as she leaned over his shoulder, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "You forget, I'm a professional."

He turned his head, to look at her. "Please? Just for a while, until things calm down? It would make me feel better."

She nodded, pressing another kiss to his cheek. "Okay. I'll be more careful." She paused, before taking a deep breath. "Juliana's knee hasn't healed yet."

Steve blinked, before his eyebrows scrunched. "Not healed?"
"It's been about a week since she fell at school. Her knee should be fully healed." Brooklyn shook her head.

"I thought you said that most of all of.... it doesn't kick in until about seven or eight?" He turned his upper body so he could look at her properly.

"Yeah, but we've always healed fast." She informed him. "That's why most of us survived the initial rounds of testing. Because we heal."

"But she's not healing, is what you are saying." Steve frowned, apparently looking for clarification.

"Yes." Brooklyn nodded, relieved he was understanding. "I just... I want to keep an eye on it? Maybe she's a late starter."

He nodded, reaching up to touch her cheek. "We can do that. I'm sure she's just... taking longer."

Biting her lip, Brooklyn sighed. "Okay. Which reminds me, Captain, it's your night to put the Little One down to bed."

He playfully groaned. "Oh, no. What ever shall I do."
"Get your ass up, and prepare a story." Brooklyn suggested. "Do you want to go to bed, after, or stay up and continue to get mad at the news?"

He pursed his lips. "You're giving me lip, Babydoll. I distinctly hear lip in your tone."

"Aw," she cooed, mockingly. "What are ya gonna do about it, Steve?"

His eyes narrowed. "I'm beginning to think it's been too long since you've had a proper spanking."

"If I didn't have to make sure to be pure and pristine for tomorrow night, I would let you, Steve." She smiled, reaching down into his shirt to scratch her nails along one of his nipples. He hissed in response, his hand trapping hers in his shirt.

"Behave then, Babydoll." He warned. "Or you'll show up at the Marino's tomorrow with a very pink backside."

She hummed, thinking it over. On one hand, yeah it would be really embarrassing, to have the personal dresser and the make up artist seeing the marks Steve would leave behind if she gave him the go ahead to be a bit rough tonight. On the other, she didn't want to deal with the knowing looks Kitty would give her. And the questions, that it was all consensual. Wilson had been poking at that, for a bit now, ever since her little bratty moment after her father's last letter. He seemed to be a bit concerned about the imbalance of power.

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