Chapter 58

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Brooklyn felt rather than heard Steve freeze when he helped her out of her heavy winter coat. She had to smile, as she slipped her arms out of the sleeves of the coat. The warm air of the restaurant flowed over the fully exposed skin of her back. The gold chain mail dress, which tied behind her neck, with a thin chain at the small of her back, was almost too open. At the very least, it was very very thin, the links in the chain mail not completely closed. The best part of the dress, the open back, was what had made her choose it. Gold for New Years Eve, as Kitty had suggested.

She had put her hair up on her head, curling as much of it as she could, causing it to dance around her neck and tangle in the gold hoops in her ears. Combined with the strappy gold high heels, she felt like she was shining in the low light of the small private room.

Steve had apparently tried to make the reservation for the place a few days ago, only to be informed that they were booked, and had been for months. He told her, with a shameful blush, that the minute he mentioned his name and who he was, they dropped everything to find him a table, and the apparent privacy he said he needed. So, they had ended up in a semi-private room, with a few empty tables. The hostess, escorting them up the stairs, had been exceptionally attentive, almost falling over herself as she rattled off about the staff and managers. The waitress following behind them had been chuckling the entire time.

As soon as they got to the room, Steve had ordered a bottle of white wine, and sighed as the waitress and hostess left them alone, then he had pulled out a chair for her, and went to help her out of her coat.

"Oh, Babydoll." He breathed, reaching out with one hand to brush his fingers down her bare back, tugging at the chain. "I didn't know you had been wearing this little scrap of nothing, when we left the apartment."

"That's because I didn't want you to know, until now." She grinned, looking at him over her shoulder. She had left the bedroom, fully dressed, having already put on her coat. Steve had raised an eyebrow, but left it alone. And she was more than happy to have surprised him. She knew that since Christmas, especially the day after, she had been... well, as he was quick to call her, a brat. She figured he deserved a little something nice to look at during dinner. As it was, all he had seen so far was the back. The front was probably going to give him fits. God knew it was cut low enough that she was sure if she breathed wrong or laughed to hard, it was going to fall off of her breasts, which were unbound and kept in by thin strips of double sided tape. She would admit there was something a bit freeing in wearing as little as possible. Hell, even her legs were bare, the slits cut into the dress moved to expose her almost to her hips. In reality, all she had on was a bit of gold chain mail, and a thong. Although, that was because she didn't want any panty lines.

He ran his fingers down her back again, before pressing on it to encourage her to take her seat. She did, biting her lip, waiting for him to come around to the side of the table, to the left of her. As soon as he did, bending over to pull the chair out, he paused, his eyes going wide, before narrowing when he saw her. Pursing his lips, he looked at her, before sitting down, resting is fists on the table, before clearing his throat.

"I suppose this is what passes for a dress, now?" He asked, reaching for the napkin on the table, giving it a sharp snap and putting it on his lap.

"It did when I bought it to wear at the club. But I never got a chance. This man I know, and have been sleeping with for a while kinda made me quit. So I figured I might as well wear it out on the town." She gently unfolded the napkin, gently placing it down on her lap, before reaching out to straighten the silverware on her side.

"I'm just wondering how many men I'm going to have to correct for looking at you, tonight." He sighed, relaxing. "But I am going to kiss you in Times Square tonight, so I'll let it slide."

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