Chapter 26

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Steve tried to pay attention to the traffic, as he navigated the SUV towards Malba. He drove easily, one hand on the wheel, the other holding Brooklyn's left hand. Occasionally, he would bring it up to his lips to kiss the back of it, smiling the entire time.

She was leaning her head on her other hand, which was braced on the widow sill of the car door. Her hair was pulled back, into another braid, wet still from their fantastic time in the shower.

After he had washed her a second time, despite the want and bodily need to pleasure her again, he had agreed with her that it was time to go get Juliana. So, reluctantly, he had escorted her out of the shower, wrapping her up in one of the large fluffy towels, tucking the edges around her, before ushering her back into the bedroom, shaking the water out of his hair. She sat on the bed, reaching for her bag, pulling out clean clothes, while he stood over her, brushing her wet hair out of her face, his own towel keeping his erection pressed against him. At one point, clothes in hand, she had looked up at him, her eyes clear and aware, biting her lip. Running his thumb over her bottom lip, pressing down until she had opened her mouth, he slipped it in. He pressed his thumb on her tongue, and she responded with closing her lips, sucking on the digit, her eyes slowly blinking closed.

He had sucked in a deep breath, then, pulling his thumb away. They didn't have the time, right now, he had reasoned. But the temptation was there. The temptation to let his towel drop, and see how she would looked with that smart mouth of hers full of his cock.

Even now, remembering, he shifted in his seat, clearing his throat, before bringing her hand up to kiss again.

"What's going on in that pretty head, Babydoll?" He asked, as a way to distract himself.

She sighed, and turned her face to look at him. "The breeding kink."

Steve flushed, remembering the cluster fuck that had come from that. He hadn't expected her to jump to the conclusion that he had planned to try to get her with child. He should have, given her past. Explaining to her that he got a sexual thrill from the idea of it, not the actual possibility, was interesting. While he did look forward to the day that she would allow him to put his child in her, with her full participation, he was realistic that right now, given all the mountains she still had to climb until she could put her past to rest, it was not the right time to even contemplate them having a child.

Although, he was filled with pride when she had informed him that her body was her own to make choices for. Her burgeoning body autonomy was finally making an appearance. That she hadn't even realized it, hadn't understood why he had been so happy for her, was even better. It meant, he hoped, that she wasn't even contradicting the idea in her own head.

"What about the breeding kink?" He prepared himself to answer more questions. When he had been sickly, the idea that he might be able to give a woman, any woman, a child had been a unrealizable dream. His bout of mumps, when he had been much younger, had most likely left him sterile, his doctors at the time had reluctantly informed him. Erskine's formula had corrected that, he knew. But even before then, the idea that he was impregnating a woman had been such a turn on. But, like he had told Brooklyn, he didn't know what it was called. Until one day, back in the SHIELD provided apartment, not long after being brought out of the ice, when he had been still learning the internet.

One of the SHIELD agents assigned to trying to help him acclimate himself to the twenty-first century fancied himself a comedian, Steve supposed. The agent had made a joke about how, if it was a turn on, there was a page on the internet dedicated to it. Curious, Steve had foolishly typed in 'knocking women up'. And there it was. A huge community dedicated to breeding play. People who were proud and unashamed of their desire to get women with child. And women who wanted to be impregnated.

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