Chapter 31

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Brooklyn kissed her sister on the head, smiling contentedly as Juliana ran into the classroom to greet her new friend. Toying with the lanyard around her neck, she sighed, beginning to turn, stopping when Mr. Blackwell raised his hand towards her.

"Ms. Bianchi? Can I have a moment?" He asked, almost hesitantly.

"Of course, Mr. Blackwell." She tried to smile reassuringly.

"Oh, thank you." The older man flushed, as if embarrassed.

Curious, she stepped closer to Juliana's teacher. "How can I help you today?"

The older man blushed deeper, but nodded. "I noticed your boyfriend isn't here, today."

Brooklyn gave a small frown. "Yes. He's been called into work. We don't expect him back for a few days, depending on how things go with his co-workers."

Mr. Blackwell nodded again. "I don't think I ever got any information on his employment."
"He's in the private security sector, currently contracted with a subsidiary of Stark Industries." Brooklyn calmly explained. "His hours can be a bit... fluid. He's basically on call, at all times."

"Oh, I'm sorry. That must be difficult." He shook his head in sympathy.

"We try not to talk about his work, much." Brooklyn smoothly explained. "We are concerned the effects it might have on Juliana. We feel she might be a bit too young to understand the full ramifications of what his job entails."

"Ah." Mr. Blackwell grinned, as if relieved. "I guess that would explain why she was saying that Mr. Rogers knows Iron Man, personally. That they are friends."

Brooklyn winced. Dammit, Rogers. Of course Juliana, as a child would speak about things like that. Tact and subterfuge were generally NOT a child's forte. "Yes. He does work closely with Mr. Stark, as far as I'm aware. Mr. Stark takes a great interest in the services my boyfriend provides for his company."

Mr. Blackwell grinned. "Well, at least that explains that. I will be seeing you at three pm?"

"Yes." Brooklyn smiled back. Mr. Blackwell seemed a quiet unassuming man. He put her at ease. It was easy to see why he became a teacher. "I will be here. Nothing could keep me away from my sister."

She backed away, letting another family take her place, as she turned to walk out of the school. It was easier today, then It had been yesterday. Yesterday, every step felt like she was slogging through wet cement, the weight of her guilt and worry dragging her down. But today, after seeing how happy her sister was, going to school, she was more than okay with Juliana leaving her side for the hours it took.

That and Brooklyn needed to be free and unencumbered for what she needed to do.

Steve had messaged her, a few hours after leaving the apartment to return to the Tower, then called this morning, right as Juliana and Brooklyn were getting up, full of apologies that he wasn't there. That he might not be there for a few days. Some information had come down the line to the Avengers that there was a very large depot, somewhere in Argentina, moving and selling weapons and tech and gear from SHIELD, HYDRA, and even the Chitauri. It needed to be dealt with, and fast, before anymore of those items fell into nefarious hands. Brooklyn fully approved of this. Some of the gear she had been trained to use, and had used, had no business being on the street or in terrorist's hands.

Especially without the oversight that SHIELD provided.

Steve had called, apologized to Juliana, who had held the phone up to her ear, nodding very seriously. Juliana, in return, told him to be careful, that he needed to have a good day, and that she loved him. Then she had handed to phone to her older sister, and skipped off to get ready for school.

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