Chapter 89

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She hummed as she got dressed, Saturday night. With the knowledge that it was, in fact, a Tony Stark party at it's core, she had tried to make sure she was dressing and appearing as appropriate as possible. The other side of that coin was that it was a party. Drinking, dancing, the usual things, as she understood it. It wasn't going to be like the Gala. And she was pretty sure it wasn't going to be like one of the Marino's parties, where it was used as a time to catch up with the other Family members. She was pretty sure it was going to be more like one of those parties where the people would be able to say, 'oh my god! I spent Saturday partying with the Avengers! Aren't I so cool!', rather than, 'did you check your car for bugs? The Feds have been interested in what's been going down in your neighborhood...'

It would also be the first part where she would be coming as Steve's unofficial 'official' date. They had talked about it further, after he had come home from the Tower. Well, after he had spent a good amount of time with his mouth between her legs. They had come to the agreement that they would not openly discuss their connection to anyone outside of their immediate circle. If someone straight up asked if they were dating, they would be honest. But they weren't going to announce it. She would go, she would stand by and with him, they would interact the way they normally did with each other, but they weren't going to be flashy about it.

She was going to show up, meet Steve on his floor with Wilson, and then all three of them would go up, together. It would, hopefully, effectively hide the fact that she was there with Steve, and hopefully present her as a hanger on who he was currently giving his attention to. Steve had been a little upset by this idea, the fact that anyone would think that she was less than the woman he wanted to marry, but he agreed once she explained that she wouldn't lie or hide who she was to him, if directly asked.

The fact that she would maybe be a little obscure in her answers was something she had chosen to not bring up.

As she adjusted the neckline of the dress she had chosen, she paused, as she saw the collar peeking out. She had asked Steve if maybe not having the collar on, tonight, was the best idea, and he had just stared at her with pursed lips, a slightly disappointed look on his face, and she had dropped it. She got the distinct feeling that if she allowed it, he would jump on the nearest table, during the height of the party, pull her up with him, and announce to everyone in attendance who she was, and what she was to him. That he would shout for all to hear that he had asked her to marry him, and that he was proud to be hers. And damn the consequences.

Instead, she chose a dress with a high neckline, and a plunging back. The collar was not hidden, but it wasn't out in the open, either. The happy medium.

She fully anticipated Steve finding some way to pull it out of the neckline, sometime during the party. Most likely while she was not fully paying attention.

He was a shit like that. But she loved him, despite it.

She turned sideways, making sure that the silk dress covered her breasts, before reaching for the pair of earrings she had chosen to go with the dress. Slipping them into her ears, she blew out the air from her lungs, and decided it was as good as it was going to get. It wasn't like she was trying to compete with some of the girls who would be there. She wasn't trolling to attract the attention of anyone there. She already had the attention of one of the most important guests.

With that in mind, she hadn't done a whole lot to her face. Steve had mentioned, more than once, that he preferred her without a shit ton of makeup on her face. A simple powder, eye shadow, liner, mascara and lip look was what she had gone for. Just a gentle brush of color on her cheeks, and she felt that while she wasn't a cover model, she was pretty enough to be on Steve's arm. The black dress of silk fell to her knees, gathered at the waist, before cutting away at her sides to flow up to her neck, leaving her back and shoulders bare.

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