Best Freind Or BandMate?

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As I layed down on the couch my best friend was making us breakfast.

As usual he started to sing, and must I say his voice was angelic. Me and my best friend met when I was two him three, we were neighbors so we saw each other a lot. My best friend is the one and only Zayn Malik. The same Zayn Malik from One Direction.

Though he was famous we still managed to see each other, like now Zayn let me live with him for the next couple of months before they go on tour again.

"Katie your foods ready!" Zayn yelled into the living room. I hope he made my favorite; french toast with bacon. As I walked into the kitchen all I saw was a huge mess. Plates and utensils everywhere, flour scattered along the countertops, and water dripping from who knows where. I tried to find Zayn but he was nowhere to be seen. I ran towards his room and knocked rather loudly.

"Zayn what the hell did you do?!" I yelled. I heard him lightly chuckle from the otherside of the door. No more then two seconds later the door crept open. His eyes met mine and I couldn't resist the urge to blush. I immediatly put my head down so he would see my cheeks glowing bright red.

"Calm down Katie. You shouldn't be feeling this way! He's your best friend!" I told myslef trying to calm myslef down.

I dont know why but latley I've been having very wired feelings toward Zayn. He was only my best friend nothing more nothing less. And even if I did like him he wouldn't like me back. I was just regular me, nothing interesting really.

I have very curly dark brownhair, I have pretty average eyes somewhat lIke Zayns; brown but with hints of green and blue in them, I have absolutely know Idea where I got my eyes from but I lIked them, and I'm short as hell.

I looked back into eyes and they were sparkling more than ever before; it was captivating. Then I realized he was only in sweatpants. I couldn't help but stare at his bare chest, I swear it was like he was photoshopped. I heard him chuckle. But before I could remove my gaze from him he spoke.

"Close your mouth before you catch flies." He said with a smile. Now i couldn't stop thinking about his lips and how soft they probably were; there are those feelings again. I just hit him and grabbed his arm and led him to the kitchen where the mess was.

I quickly grapped the mop and handed it to him. As I was turning around I felt someine grab my arm; causing fireworks to spark up. Now I was face-to face with Zayn.

" Help me? Please?" He said. i almpost gasped; he wanted me to help him clean up the mess he had made.

"Um,.. No thank you Malik you did this all on your own! And I didn't even get my breakfast." I said pouting, which won me a a laugh from Zayn. Finally, I nodded my head yes, not able to resist Zayn.

***** After Cleaning*****

After we cleaned we were sitting on the couch debating wether we should invite the rest of the group, that consisted of Harry, Liam, Niall, and Louis, or if we should watch a movie at home with Zayn. I was sitting with my head in his lap and my feet sparwled on the rest of the couch. Then suddenly Zayn decided to speak up.

"You know we could just invite the boys AND watch a movie right?" He stated emphasizing the word "and." I nodded then realized I was only in short-shorts and a tanktop. I gasped knowing i would have to change if they came over. Zayn just sat there lookking confused.

"I don't wanna change though..." He chuckled then picked me up and went upstairs to my room opening the door and plopping me on my bed. He started going through all my clothes, with in five minutes he dropped a pair of denim shorts and a smiley T-shirt on my bed. I looked at him like he was crazy. My "shirt" didn't even fit me, at the looks of it-it looked like it was a crop top. The shorts showed more skin then the shorts i was already wearing. I did NOT want to wear this outfit I didn't even know why I bought it in the first place.

"Zayn I'm not wearing this, it's too showy!" I said in all seriousness.

"Just wear it! The boys will be here any second." He said. I nodded letting him know i would.

Just as i got downstairs the boys were walking in. They all mumbled "Hey Katie." I just nodded. Me being my lazy self didn't put much effort into saying "hi".

When Harry looked at me his mouth was wide open. I had no idea why... then I remebered what I was wearing. I glared at Zayn for makking me wear this, he just shrugged it off. I went to sit down on the couch; in Zayn's lap. But I was forcefully pulled into Harry's. The movie the boys picked was "The Possesion." I instanly froze. I hated scary movies: before, during and after. Harry must have noticed the fear that was brought upon me, because he pulled me into him. It felt weird being this close to Harry. There was no room for me to even wiggle a finger. But i knew he would keep me safe. As if he read my mind he whispered in my ear

"Don't worry your safe. I've got you." I felt myslef feel something different towards Harry just like I felt something different between Zayn and I. Was I starting to fall for Harry too? I blushed slighty but nodded my head. This was going to be a long night.


Okay this is my first story... sorry it's bad I know but give it chance.

It'll get better don't worry!!! :)

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