Trouble part 1

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Harry's Point of View

When I woke up I saw Steph curled into a little ball next to me. I was a little confused to why she was here. I mean didn't we have a fight or something yesterday?

Then it all came pouring back. She kissed Zayn.




And I just waved by like no big problem. I had to talk to Zayn about this. And I have to do it right now. So I got out of bed without waking Steph and went into the bathroom that was connected to my room. While I was in there I changed into a pair of black and white basketball shorts with a white tank top. When I was done I left the bathroom and looked into the mirror that was in my room. I flicked my curls around numerous times. I only do that when I'm either mad or nervous. But right now I wasn't mad or nervous.

I was furious.

She's my girlfriend. Not his.

I stopped looking at my reflection and looked over at Steph. She was still asleep. She looked so young when she left. She looked so innocent. She didn't seem like her real self. I saw her shiver in her sleep. Must be due to the lack of blanket around her. I moved to the end of the bed and grabbed the blanket from the floor to put on top of her. When I moved to spread it across her I saw something... weird. There was a red blotch on her left and right hip.

I reached out her left hip and took the material low enough where I could see her hip; nothing more. When I did that I saw cuts. Not a lot but they were deep. Like really deep. I guess they opened up when we were asleep. I pulled her shorts back up and lowered the other side to see more cuts. This time they were like cat scratches; not too deep but still they were bad.

I pulled her shorts up to their normal position and took a step back. I just looked at her. The poor innocent, broken girl in my bed. Sure she's had a tough life but she's nothing they say she was. She's beautiful, care free, and doesn't take life too seriously (at times.) And I'm glad to call her mine if I can call her mine.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a loud noise. It sounded like a stomach grumble. I knew it wasn't mine because I wasn't hungry. It was Steph's. I know for a fact she ate with us the afternoon before. But I didn't know why her stomach was growling now.

I decided to stop thinking about it and to just stop it. So I picked Steph up bridal style and took her downstairs and laid her on the couch. I walked into the kitchen to get something for Steph but instead became face-to-face with Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall.

"Hey." I said

"Why were you carrying Steph?" Louis questioned.

"Because I need to get her food." I said as I looked down.

I began to look through the fridge to look for some food. All we had was things to make sandwiches. That or I make something from scratch and I didn't want to do that.

When I took all the ingredients out and turned around I saw that all of the boys had left. I got worried because they probably went to the living room; where I left Steph.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Niall yelled as I walked into the living room.

"I don't know I saw her like that, Niall. I swear." I said knowing he was always very protective of Steph as was Zayn. Louis and Liam were too but they were protective in certain problems.

"Well we have to wake her up." Niall said. I nodded my head to let him know that I was okay with his choice.

"Steph... wake up... Steph." Niall whispered while shaking her shoulder.

When she woke up she looked surprised that she wasn't in the room with me.

"Why am I down here?" She asked no one in particular.

"Harry brought you down here. What's with your hips.?" Niall said

She looked down and realized that there were red blotches on her skin and the fabric of her skin.

"I-uh-huh?" She stuttered.

"What is that?" I asked her.

"It's-I-um- I'm sorry." She said now looking down.

While she was looking down I saw a tear slip from her eyes. I didn't like her crying. I hate seeing people I love cry.-- Wait did I just say I love her? Screw it I love her. I Love. Steph. Have it be in a relationship or not.

I hugged Steph for what seemed like hours. I didn't want to let go. Ever.

"Uh-Harry." Zayn said while tapping me on the shoulder.

"Huh." I said while un wrapping my arms from Steph's skinny waist.

"Can we talk?" He asked. I nodded and kissed Steph on the cheek before setting her gently on the couch. Zayn walked to the kitchen so I followed him.

"Look I kissed Steph." Zayn said.

"I know."

"You aren't mad?"

"No. she said she was drunk. She said she didn't mean it." I said. After saying that I saw Zayn's face fall for a split second.

"Okay... cool" He said before walking out. When I walked back into the living room the boys were giving her a speech and making her laugh; to ket her know things will be alright.

"Hey Steph." I said

"Hey." She said

I leaned to kiss her and she responded almost right after. I swept my tongue over her bottom lip and she parted her lips after a second. Now we were full on making out. Thank god the lights were turned off and the boys weren't paying any attention to us. After about a good 2 minutes of us just kissing I pulled away I leaned my forehead against hers. She had the biggest smile on her face and im pretty sure I did too.

"Steph... you know I like you right?"

Steph's Point Of View

"Steph... you know I like you right?" Harry said

"Of course... Why?" I asked a little afraid of his response.

"Because I was wondering... if you wanted to be my girlfriend..." He said without breaking eye contact with me.

"Of course Harry."I said then pecked him on lips and hugged him. And that's how we spent half of the day, just cuddled up watching a random T.V. show.

------ 3hours later------

"I wanna go out." I whined to everyone in the living room.

"Where do you wanna go?" Liam said

"Lets go to a club!!" I cheerfully said.

Little did I know that those few words were going to get me into a load of trouble.


A/N YAY!! I Updated!!! Like so i know to keep updating :)

Thank you for reading too <3 Love you guys!!! :*

-Kaitlyn <3

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