Parallel universe.

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Hey guys! Sorry for such a long wait. :/ I'm in Spain right now with little to no Internet.... But I will be back in the states Saturday. So that means I can update. After my one direction concert of course :P. well yeah. I think this is the longest chapter that I've written and I personally love it. I'm so happy to share it with you guys!!

-if you have any questions about anything, I mean ANYTHING, ask!!! Or you can kik me @kaxtlyn or you can follow me on Instagram @kaxtlyn or follow me on twitter @lovebugirwxn

Okay well. Yeah. Please vote, comment, and share. And fan me maybe? :* ill love you forever.

Now on eight the story. :D

Steph's Point Of View

Once we got home everyone was either sleeping or out doing something. So it was just me and Harry. We didn't know what to do so I suggested watching a movie. We just didn't know which movie to watch.

So we just planned on watching as many movies as we wanted together. First we watched Ted, then we watched Mean Girls, and finally we watched 21 jump street before Harry fell asleep.

'Oh great. Now I'm by myself.' I thought. Right as that thought popped into my head the front door opened.

"Oh hi Niall!" I greeted him. "Where were you?" I asked him.

"I went to do a little shopping with a friend." He said.

"Oh cool." I said in response. I turned my head back to the tv that was now playing credits and groaned.

"Bored?" He asked highly amused. "Yes! We should do something together." I yelled as I jumped up.

"Sorry Steph. Can't today." He said. To which I pouted and looked at the tv screen.

He walked up to his room and I walked back to the couch that had the sleeping boy still there and watched a other movie. I watched House At The End of The Street. About 10 minutes into the movie Niall came back down dressed in black jeans and a simple white shirt that said 'CRAZY MOFOS' on it.

"Where you off to?" I called of into his direction not taking my eyes off the screen.

"Meet with friends. I'm sorry again by the way." He apologized.

"It's okay Niall go have fun."

When it got to a really scary part, where a door slammed, one slammed upstairs. I got so scared that I covered myself fully with the blanket that was here before hand. Then I saw something moving upstairs coming down and I started to freak out. When they got fully down the stairs I let up a sigh of relief because it was only Zayn.

"Hey what are you doing?" Zayn asked as he saw how scared I had looked before.

"Trying not to die." I answered as I lifted the blanket over my whole body.

"A blanket isn't going to help you." Zayn said as he easily lifted it off of me and threw it next to Harry's sleeping body.

"Aye!! Be careful!" I scolded him to which he nodded and continued to move my feet so I was sitting properly so he could sit. I moved my head so it was on his lap and I was staring at him. Not like a creeper way but just because we used to do this all the time when we were close. Well closer.

"I miss things like this." Zayn said quietly as we watched the movie together.

"Things like what?" I asked curiously.

"Being able to hang out with you. Like old times. Ya'know?" He looked me in the eye and said:" don't you?"

"I do it's just. It's been harder to hang out with you. You with kissing me, which is really bad since I have a boyfriend, and me with my feelings towards you." I explained.

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