Without You There Is No Me

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Zayn's Point Of View

"In a coma?" I asked the doctor in disbelief. This isn't fair. Why did it have to be Steph? Why now? What about her modeling career? What about One Directions tour? Why now of all times?

BEEP BEEP BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP The monitor that was connected to Steph started going off really fast.

"what's going on?" Louis asked. Parenting mode into action. He's always more of the parenting one. Everyone seems to think its Liam but Liam just helps us through the rough times as Louis 'commands' us.

"I'm afraid im going to have to ask you gentlemen to got wait in the waiting room." The doctor told Louis

"What? No my friend needs help and we're going to stay here all night if we have to." Harry said,

"And you can. just In the waiting room." The doctor said.

"Can't you at least tell us what's going on?" Harry said.

"Her hear rate is accelerating. Its too fast for the human body. We are going to try to slow it down but we don't want to slow it down too much. So if you boys would leave now?" He explained.


"This is complete Bullshit." Liam cussed.

Niall and I have yet to say anything. I guess we're too shocked and scared for Steph. She was just starting to be happy. Now? Now she's stuck in a hospital with tubes and wires and broken bones in a coma.

Not to mention something going on with that monitor. This could be fatal. Not just to her but to me too.

If she dies then I wont have anything to get out of bed for. Nothing to smile for. Nobody to wake me up in the middle of the night because she cant sleep or because she has cramps. Or simply because she misses me. I wont have any of that. I wouldn't have any to call my bestfreind. I remember when she was upset I would sing her one of her favorite songs. Whenever she just needed someone. I can't believe I never connected lyrics with her personal life before hand. I mean I know that song by heart know.

"I kissed the scars on her skin

I still think you're beautiful

And I don't ever want to lose my best friend.

I screamed out, "God, you vulture,

Bring her back or take me with her""

I started to sing softly as I sat in the waiting room chairs. The other boys oblivious to what I was doing. I wish I could sing this to her in person. I wish it was me instead of her. I wish I would've told her my feeling's before all of this. I wish she didn't hear us talking. I wish, I wish, I wish. But it will never ever happen. Ever. I screwed up. Big time.

"Tear it down, break the barricade

I want to see what sound it makes

I hate this flavor with a passion and I fucking hate the aftertaste"

I need her. With me right now. We could be talking about tour. Or about her new career. Her dancing. Or even what we were gonna do later. Something than just me wondering she's okay. Wondering if she'll make it.

"How does it feel? How does it feel?

Well it feels like I'm on fire!

Wake up, I know you can hear me."

I need her to wake up. I need her to smile again like when she was 7. When we would have play dates. I remember one time when it winter and Stephs' and i's family went to go ice skating. She was scared to go on the ice casue she thought she was going to fall. I told her to hold on to me but she responded "Ewww no. Boys have cooties." She went out on the ice and fell. "Okay I take it back." Then she held on to me. She was so happy that she was skating. She was smiling the biggest smile ever.

"Make me a promise here tonight, love like a tidal wave

Dreamless in early graves, I never want it to be this way

The chemicals will bring you home again

This is it, when it's done, we can say that,

When it's sudden death we fight back"

I know Steph is a strong girl. There's not backing down for her. She's been through a lot but if she's gotten this far then she can go farther. I know she can.

"Pretend like I don't entice you

I've seen you circling the sky above my head

You traitor

I will never be taken for granted again

Keep digging holes in the desert

Say a prayer for you

I know that you're in pain

But if we die at the same time does it still scare you?

Make me a promise here tonight. Let's go!

Dreamless in early graves, I never want it to be this way

The chemicals will bring you home again

This is it, when it's done, we can say that,

Oh my God we're not gonna make it"

We--- Steph has to make it. She has to, ,Because if she doesn't then I don't either.

Doctor's Point Of View

"Okay nurses we have to get her heart to slow down before something very bad happens." I said. We have to do everything physically possible to keep this girl alive. She means too much to those boys.

About 1 1/2 hours and 5 shots later we managed to get her heart to slow down. She was put on life support just in case.

Niall's Point Of View

All of us were sitting down in the waiting room for Steph. A few paps were here and asking for us but we managed to get Preston and Paul here to rescue us.

I heard Zayn mumbling something to himself but didnt bother him. I knew how hard this must me.

And as for me ? I haven't done or said a thing. I couldn't. I was in shock. I was scared. Steph means way too much to me. I can't just forget about her. I know none of the boys want to leave. Hell we wanted to stay with Steph in her room.

"Are you boys here for Estephania Preciado?" A nurse asked as she was in the hallway.

"Yes." We all mummbled.

"Your ready to see her." She said then walked away.

All of us went up to her room and just as we were going to open the door her doctor walked out.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"She went into stress mode which made her heart accelerate. We've managed to slow down her heart rate. She's fine." he said and I smiled like a goon. "But she's on life support. " He said again and my smile faded.

"Can we see her." I asked

"Go ahead but she's still asleep. There's no saying when she'll break out of her coma. Or if she ever will." He said whispering the last part.

We walked in and saw her. She looked so peaceful just laying there. I wonder whats going on in her mind right now. That is if something is going on in that brain of hers.


Okay it sucks. I know. But yea please vote and comment.

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Bye* for now

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