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*Stephs Point Of View

~2 weeks later~

Since I decided to stay with the boys Zayn thought it would be a good idea to celebrate. I honestly don't know why we have to. We're celebrating me being a burden to them and me having to live so closely to Harry. But I guess if, most, of my friends are happy that I'm staying might as well stay.

Right now we are all in the living room trying to decide what to eat for dinner. Since I don't eat much, or at all sometimes, I'm not really all of 'pitching ideas.'

"I don't see why we're celebrating in the first place. And I don't want t eat right now. I'm not hungry." I said as Niall and Louis got into a fight on what to do.

"First of all we're celebrating that your staying and that you got a job as a model. And you are eating today. Wether you like it or not." Liam said. He's been really protective over me since I said that I was going to be leaving the house. All of the boys here are like my brothers,with the exception of Harry of course, but all of them are by my side if I need anything. Especially Liam right now. He sits in the kitchen whenever I have to eat just to make sure that I'm eating. And he makes sure that I'm not near anything so sharp that I can hurt myself with. He's actually like a dad/responsible big brother. But he also knows how to have fun. I hate it when people think he's the boring one in the group when actually he makes up most of the fun things we do. That just proves not to judge a book by its cover. You could be super wrong, and not even know it.

"I don't want you guys to celebrate me getting a job. Really it isn't anything big. And plus I haven't even done a lot of work yet. Just a couple of photo shoots. And I'm not hungry Liam." I said. The Tuesday that I had to go to Infinity agency for my test photo shoots Clay said I did and extremely good job considering it was my first time. He said that I'd be good enough tomwalk a runway in no time. Infinity agency isn't that far away from the house either. We discussed things from what my regular schedule should be to me getting a new look.

Tomorrow I'm scheduled to go to the salon. I'm having my hair dyed a lighter brown and I'm going to receive contacts instead of wearing glasses all the time. Clay has asked me if I wanted to change the color of my eyes to like a blue or green. I asked him if I could think about it. He said not to worry about it and just have fun. I mean I don't want to seem fake to everyone. That would just give them another reason to hate me, even though the fans figured out Harry and I weren't seeing each other anymore. They're happier but still don't want me to be close to the other guys. But believe it or not me and Harry made up. I guess what we went through it made our friendship stronger than ever. We actually joke around a lot too. It's actually pretty fun.

"Steph. I don't care what you say. You are eating and that's final." Niall said as he backed up Liam. Everyone in the room, all of the boys, started nodding their head 'yes' too.

".... Fine. But I'm not eating much. And I vote for some.... Fruit or vegetables. Something healthy." I said.

"Why?!" Everyone said in unison.

"If I'm going to be a model I need to watch what goes into my body. Like I say 'once on your lips, forever on your hips.' Which reminds me I'm picking up dance again." I said with a smile.

"That's great Steph!" Zayn said. I keep forgetting that I've danced in front of him a couple of times.

"Yeah. I can't wait to see you dance." Niall said.

"I'm not that good you guys." I said looking down.

"Are you kidding me?!? You're the best dancer I've ever seen." Zayn said. I'm not accepting that compliment. I never do anymore. Every time I did I would just get hurt in the end.

I nodded and smiled and walked to the kitchen. I needed to get out of there before I said something stupid that got me in trouble.

All the boys followed in quickly after I did. Probably to check to see if I was okay.

"Are you okay?" Liam said proving my hypothesis correct.

"Yeah I'm fine. So dinner?" I quickly wanted to change the subject off of me. I only like to be 'the center if attention' when I'm dancing. I know that sounds conceited and all but dancing in the center of a big stage with all eyes on you.... It feels surreal. (A/N at least for me. I'm a dancer sooooo.... Yeah :D).

"I vote pizza." Harry said. "Me too!!!" Everyone else yelled.

"Um...ill have some fruit." I said walking to the counter closest to the fridge, aka the counter that had the fruits.

Apples.... Nectarines... Pineapple.... Mango..... Bana---MANGO!!!

"You are not just having fruit for dinner. You need something to fill you up." Harry said sternly.

"Fruit does fill me up. And I'm fine with it for dinner. You guys should be happy I'm at least eating." I retorted.

"She's got a point lad." Louis said.

I grabbed my mango a plate and a knife to cut it but Liam cut it for me instead. Oops! Almost forgot. No sharp things for Steph.


After eating my mango I went to the dance room to workout and do some choreography. It's been so long since I danced. I missed it a lot. I was dressed in my classic black short shorts that say 'Dance' on them. I love these shorts because I got them at a dance convention in Palm Springs. Oh how I miss that place. It brought back so many memories of my friends. They were my closest friends too, but when my depression got worse and worse by the day I pushed them away. It wasn't on purpose, I just built my walls so high to keep people out. I didn't realize that, that meant my friends too. I should get back in touch with them someday. I'll probably talk to my best best friend Krissy.

Anyway I warmed up by doing 50 crunches, 25 curl ups, 35 jumping jacks, and stretching my legs by doing all three splits. (Center, right and left) when I was done with that I decided to do over splits with each. (A/N it's when you put one leg on a higher surface than the other and hold it there. It furthers your flexibility.) once done I made my way over to my phone and plugged it into my speakers. I played the song 'More Than Life' by Whitley. (If you watched dance academy it'd the song Sammy listens to the most and yeah. Good song. Listen to it). I started moving my body to the rhythm of the song. Doing jumps and pirouettes. Making sure I perfect everything.

When I was done I was sweating. But hey! That's a good sign, right? It's a sign that I'm loosing weight and working harder at dancing which means I'm getting better hopefully.

~~~~~~~} sorry it's short. Concert time !!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~n

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