Secrets Are Exposed....

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***** Katie's POV

When I woke up no one was with me... again.

"Ow!!" I said as I clutched my lower stomach. What the hell is going on? Why is my stomach hurting me so much? Then it clicked. I haven't eaten in a few days or 4. I need water! Water helps with the hunger pains. I ran over to my dresser and violently rummaged through all of the drawers (?) to no luck.

"Shit" I cussed under my breath. If I go down stairs then the boys will make me eat for sure. And I don't want that. I wonder if I just sleep a little more I that'll calm my stomach down. That's when I look to the right, where my alarm clock is, it read "12:35". Damn I slept a lot. I don't think I'll be able to sleep anymore.

I guess I'll just take a shower get dressed and hope the boys don't ask any questions. Especially Harry.

I walked to my door and slowly opened it and quickly, but quietly, went to the cabinet to grab a towel. None were there. Of course of all days it had to be this day. Out if no where I heard footsteps. Oh no! I'm supposed to be asleep.

"Hey. I thought you were asleep..." Harry said. Looking confused that I was out here.

"Um... I ... uh... just woke up..." Was my brilliant response. I can't help it. I was nervous. And a little tried. Then my stomach decided to make an inhumane noise.

"Are you hungry?" Asked Harry after hearing my stupid stomach.

"No!" I suddenly snapped. One thing you need to know is- a hungry Katie equals and a moody Katie.

"Sorry I didn't mean it." I said to Harry.

"You need to eat Katie. You promised me. Remember?" Harry said. Damn he was right too. And when I make a promise I keep it. I guess I'll just have to throw it up later.

"What?" Harry said while walking towards me. Fuck! I said that out loud.

"Come on Katie." Harry said a little harshly. I didn't move. Not the slightest inch. The next things he did surprised me and made me feel sorry for him. He picked me up and put me over his right shoulder.

"Harry! Put me down!!" I screamed at the top of lungs, or so I thought, and pounded on his back. He just chuckled at me. Finally we reached the kitchen. It smelled so good. No stop Katie! Control yourself. You've come too far to take orders from a measly little breakfast.

Harry finally put me down into a chair and grabbed a plate and put one piece of bacon and two pancakes on the plate. I thought that was such a little breakfast for such a big guy. But it wasn't for him. It was for me. At least I realized that when he put it in front me. I just looked at him. I gave him the 'are-you-serious?' face. I didn't want to eat it. I couldn't eat it. I haven't eaten in days my stomach go used to only water and maybe an apple once in a while.

"Eat it Katie" Harry said trying to encourage me. I turned to look around at everyone. I barely even noticed them. Everyone was there except for Zayn. I needed my best friend. I needed to talk to him.

I ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs and down the hall to Zayn's door. While doing so I earned a couple yells of my name from Harry and Niall. I of course me being me didn't acknowledge them.

I opened the door to see Zayn sitting there looking at his phone. Surprise surprise. When the door closed his head snapped up to face me. I didn't care that I was mad at him anymore. I didn't care that he kissed another girl. I needed him.

I think he could tell because he got out of his bed and came to hug me. I gladly hugged him back.

"I missed you..." Zayn said. And I knew he wasn't lying. He showed it in his voice.

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