- 17 - Two can play this game

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It's Sunday and people say Sunday's are for God. I used to be a child who never missed a single day of holy mass but as I grew up and when time went by I lost hope in God and never looked into a church since now. Here I am inside the house of God particularly doing nothing. Maybe I just wanted to escape home and instead of hitting a club in the middle of the day, I chose to visit a church, such weird girl arent I.  So, instead of just staring at the alter I choose to do something I haven't done in ages. I pray. 

"Dear God, it's me the not so holy child. I remember I always used to ask you the same thing every single time; keep my family happy, healthy and protected. Now that was not a selfish request unlike other people so I don't see why since you are so powerful and happen to love your people so much, why did you not accept my prayer? As much as I hate to admit this sometimes I wonder if you are a sadist because you put the people you love in pain. Do you find pleasure in it? or were you trying to give a message or a lesson by taking half of my family away from me - as most people told us at the funeral  - if so, dear good Lord I think you forgot to mention the lesson? Why on earth did you take them away? did you hate me so much that you wanted me to feel so shitty about the fact the both my siblings are dead because of me?. This time I'm asking you something selfish since you tend to not listen to the selfless person in me, Give me answers. All I want is answers as to why I'm living such fucked up life. Amen". I stand up from the bench and walk out to my car. Just as I got into the car my phone started ringing from a no caller ID. 


"Hello Rhea" 

"Um, who is this?"

"Were you too high to not remember my voice?" 

"Tell me who you are or I'm declining the call" 

"It's me, Devon". Hmm, the blue-eyed boy. 

"Oh yeah, What'd you want?" I ask. 

"You know maybe wanna hang out at my place?" 

"Oh please, if you are asking for sex just tell me so". 

"Straight to the point huh?" 

"I don't go ring-a-ring-a-rosies. What do you want?"

"Sex with no strings attached" perfecto. 

"Boy, I don't give gifts. Everything comes with a price" 

"fine, what do you want?" 

"Molly". This is what you call two birds from one stone.

"It's way too expensive" 

"well, so is my pu-"

"Okay okay, you got yourself a deal. Meet me in fifteen". stupid ass boys. 

"Send me your location". Does this mean my prayer won't be valid anymore? crap. 

I take the location and drive out of the church. 

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