- 28 - Girls night out

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It's both a blessing and a curse to have friends who don't give up on you and at this point, it's a fucking curse

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It's both a blessing and a curse to have friends who don't give up on you and at this point, it's a fucking curse. I had no choice but to open up my window for Emma and Jennifer because if not either they will get struck by lightning or die of hypothermia. 

"Told you this would work" Emma muttered to Jennifer. 

"I'm so sorry we hear what happened," Jennifer said apologetically. "What exactly?" I asked because I don't even know what they had heard. 

"That you two broke up." clearly not the truth. We were never in a relationship to break up and what happened is far far away from a breakup, but I was glad for whoever made up that excuse other than telling the truth. So, I play along. "Yes we did," I tell and dropped down on the bed in frustration. 

"Just because you'll break up does not mean that you should starve yourself for what? five days" Emma said and yes, it had been five days. Five fucking days of losing my mind. 

"I didn't. Look—" I pointed towards the floor and my nightstand. "Yeah, smoking cigarettes, gulping RedBull—" Jennifer lifts an empty packet of Cheetos from the floor and eyed it disgustingly "—eating Cheetos is not a meal" Emma finished. 

"Since when did you two get along," I asked trying to change the subject. "Since you two went MIA," they said in unison. 

"I am alive and well so you two could leave now," I tell because that last thing I would want is to randomly break down in front of people. I curl my knees up, hugging them and closed my eyes to sleep hoping they would take the hint and leave me be. Instead, I heard my balcony door close and Jennifer dropped down on the bed next to me. 

"What the fuck are you'll doing?" I asked and lifted myself to sit on my bed. "You just had a breakup. you clearly don't want to be alone right now" Emma said. 

"You don't know what I want! And, there's nothing I want more than to be alone right now so get the fuck out of my house!" I yelled and saw Emma flinch a little at my tone but I was pushed back onto my bed and a tight grip on my cheek. Jennifer's nails digging into my skin as she laid on top of me looking mad... really mad. 

"Listen, you shut your bitch ass mouth. And your high tone might scare Emma away but not me" Jennifer said with gritted teeth and I let out a whimper. I pushed her hand away from my cheek. "How mad would you be if I kissed you right now?" Jennifer asked and a hysterical laugh escaped my mouth. Not long after Emma dropped down on the bed laughing along with us. 

"You know what we should do? we should go on a girls night out" Jennifer said as we calm down our laughing asses. "No," I tell. 

"Yes!" Emma said right after. 

"Great! two is to one. We are going." We just lie down on the bed in complete silence. I contemplate on whether I should fight more on deciding to stay back inside but I've come to realize that Jennifer is never the one to take no as an answer. But right now I have no energy to go out in public; not physically nor mentally. I can't just hop out there and hope that a flash of pain and remorse would not hit because it will. I will always remember him. I used to remember all of how he was kind, sweet and loving but now I would remember a side of him that I don't want to. But, I know I got no choice but to accept the truth. At least I think that it is the truth and I wish I don't. This is what I have been built into to think of the worst so that when you face it you will be all ready for that worst flow of pain. And, for these five days, that's what I have been fixing myself to but if I was proved wrong I wouldn't even think twice to accept the truth which would be less painful. 

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