- 31 - Racing

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What the fuck does he think he's doing here? I know it's fun but this is illegal and dangerous. No one is allowed to hold car racing games in this town, I don't know why but it's not and if all these people get caught they are in deep trouble. 

I walk through the crowd to get a better look at the dirt track. There were cars already racing and I hope that Damien is not in any of them. 

"Hey shawty" a random drunk boy called out from behind, doddering towards me. 

"Stay the fuck away from me," I tell and walked away. How on earth am I going to find Damien in this swamp of people. I push my way among the crowd to the stalls and if I looked he is not there.  I take my phone to call him again and of fucking course I'm on his voicemail again. 

"Look I don't know if you are getting these or not but if you are I did something that will probably piss the fuck out of you. I'm at the racing arena so you better answer your phone and find me or else some guy will take me home and—" I cut the phone when I spotted Damien wearing black ripped jeans along with an untucked black dress shirt, leaning against a black Jeep surrounded by three or four boys and half-naked girls hanging off the jeep. I walked hastily towards him and crossed my arms in front of me when he locked his eyes with mine, throwing his cigarette bud away from his mouth. 

"Lia, what the fuck are you doing here?"

"What the fuck I am doing here? No, you tell me what you are doing here" I asked standing right in front of him. 

"Who the hell is she?" some girl from the jeep asked and Damien held my arms and softly pushed us backwards away from the jeep. 

"I'm his fucking girlfriend you shit!" I yelled at her. "Lia, calm down," he told as we stopped a bit away from the people. I took a step back keeping my distance. 

"How dare you tell me to calm down Damien. You left the house at midday and now it's past midnight. You didn't answer my shit ton of calls and my hundred-odd messages. I was so fucking scared to my stomach and now you are telling me to calm down. How the fuck does that wo—" 

"shut up," he whispered cutting me off and slammed his lips against mine, kissing me. I held his neck, deepening it and his hands went down to my ass up to the small of my back under my shirt. 

"I'm sorry. I should've called you but my phone died" he spoke against my mouth, holding me closer to him. I pushed myself away from him, coming back to my senses. 

"Okay, but this—" I pointed my finger around the track, "—is illegal. And is the cops find out—" 

"The cops won't be a problem. After all, this is owned by a cop's son" a random boy from behind me said and I turned around. 

"Hi, I'm Maxmillan. Call me Max" he said holding his hand for me but before I could think of it Damien pushed his hand away. "Oh come on Damien," he said disappointedly but Damien took a step ahead of me. 

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