33 | Anger

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| Ricky's POV |

"Go answer the fucking door." Jani snit at me.

I flinched a bit, then walked towards it. My head hurt really bad, so everything sounded way louder than it actually was. I opened the door and was a little, well actually a lot, shocked to see Shiloh.

"Hey." He said softly. "They guys were worried. They sent me over to check on you."

"I'm fine. They shouldn't worry so much." I cracked a fake smile.

He stared at me with concern for a moment. Then his eyes widened. "Ricky, your nose is bleeding."

I touched my hand to my face, then looked down to see blood on my fingers. Fuck. I abandoned him at the door to go stand over the kitchen sink. Last thing I need is to piss Jani off for getting blood all over the house.

Shiloh walked in, shutting the door. He stopped at the entrance to the kitchen though, when he saw the broken glass on the floor. I had walked through it because I really didn't care. I wasn't barefoot so it didn't matter much. Nothing matters anymore really.

"Go home, Shi. I'll be alright." I muttered.

"I don't believe that." He whispered back. Then he went silent when Jani walked in the room.

"Shiloh." Jani smiled, running his hand down Shiloh's arm. "What a pleasant surprise. I'm sorry our apartment isn't clean. We weren't expecting company."

I started cleaning off my face, because my nose bleed was short lived and done with. Shiloh was obviously uncomfortable with being touched by Jani. I was uncomfortable with it. Why is he touching another man like that?

"Shi, you should head home. I'm sure Devin is worried." I stated.

Jani's hands suddenly tensed up at the mention of Ghost. He took them off of Shiloh, setting them on the counter in front of him. "Yes, I'm sure. I'd love for you to stay, but it is NewYears after all. Spend it with your loved ones."

"I... will. Um, Ricky, are you sure you're okay though? You don't look well."

"He's fine." Jani answered for me. "Why would you ask?"

"I-I just think he looks a little, um, s-sick... th-that's all." Shiloh stammered as his hair fell in his face and his puppy eyes glared at Jani. "His mouth and nose were, um, they were b-bleeding when he answered the door... a-and there's blood matted in his hair."

Jani stared at him for a moment. He was coming up with an excuse. "He just had a bad fall. I'm taking care of him, don't worry."

Shiloh glanced away, very quietly mumbling, "No, you weren't." Shouldn't have gone there...

"What was that?" Jani asked as his temper rose.

"I-I said you weren't. You weren't taking care of him. He answered the door... a-all by himself. You weren't in the room... a-and you should have answered the door if you were taking care of him... good care of him."

Did Shiloh actually just stand up to Jani? Did Shiloh actually just stand up to anyone? I didn't know he had it in him to talk back or fight. I've never seen him be hostile in the year and a half I've known him. But, he chose the wrong person to do it to!

Jani grabbed Shiloh's arm and gritted his teeth, as his other fist tightened. "Don't you ever question my ability to take care of Ricky! I would never hurt him, you understand me?!"

Shiloh was teary-eyed, but he still fought. "But you did! You did this to him! I know it! You're a monster!" He cried.

Jani grunted. He was done with words at this point. He threw Shiloh to the ground, and it was at that point that I knew I had to step in. It's fine if he wants to hurt me, but not my friends.

I leaned down, putting my arm in front of Shiloh. "Jani, leave him alone." I sneered.

"Oh, look who found some courage!" He snapped. He grabbed onto my hair and threw me down, into the broken glass, might I add.

"Jani, no! Stop it!" I cried as he attempted to hit Shiloh.

I hurriedly grabbed onto his fist, pulling him back the best I could, but he was so strong. Shiloh used the opportunity to scurry to his feet, and he ran out. He couldn't even close the door, he was so terrified.

I felt a horrid knot grow in my stomach as Jani jerked his hand back and looked at me with pure hatred.

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