93 | Blame

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| Devin's POV |

I don't get nervous about shit. I'm not a nervous person. Yet, here I am, sweating like a whore in church. Well, I am in a church, and I do have a rocky past... That doesn't matter right now!

The wedding starts in an hour and a half. I watched out the window from a back room as people arrived. I spent the night at Balz's to keep the old traditions alive and all, but it drove me nuts not seeing Shiloh this long!

"Morning." I heard Chris' voice as he walked into the room. He shut the door behind him.

"Morning. Ricky already with Shi?" Ryan asked.

"Oh I don't know." He replied somewhat sadly.

"You don't know?" Balz said. "How do you not know?"

Chris sighed. "Look, we got into a fight. He hasn't slept at home for like a week. I don't want to talk about it. It's supposed to be a happy day, right?"

"I don't know, Devin's turning it into a nervous day." Balz joked.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I don't get nervous. And Chris, how could you not tell us that Ricky and you are on a break?"

"It's not a break!"

"You have slept in different homes for over a week after having a fight and I'm guessing aren't talking. Um, what exactly do you call it?" Ryan asked.

"Okay, fine. I guess it is a break." He admitted.

"Well he's obviously not staying with any of us, so who exactly is he staying with?" Balz said.

Chris leaned against the window seal, sighing again. "That's the problem, and why we got in a fight in the first place. We found out, Jani has AIDS and he's dying. All Jani asked for was to spend some time with Ricky before he died, but I didn't want him to get hurt. And now, Ricky just showed positive for HIV now because of Jani."

"Um, guys, can you give Chris and I a moment?" I asked. Fuck, I was hoping this wouldn't come up... The others left us. So, I was forced to say it now. "Chris, when Shiloh and I first started dating, he had a problem getting sick, a lot. We didn't tell any of the others, because we felt it was best just to keep it to us. He's HIV positive."

"Are you trying to say I got it from Shiloh and gave it to Ricky?" Chris asked, kind of mad at me for it actually. "We used protection. There's no way."

"I know you did. That's why Shiloh never told you, but if you take a moment to set aside your anger, you'd realize you and Shiloh both slept with TJ. We both know he's screwed half the industry." I stated.

"Either way, you're saying I got Ricky sick!"

"If it was Jani, he would have contracted AIDS, not HIV!" I pointed out. His denial was rather frustrating. "Face it, Chris. You managed to hurt Ricky and you don't want to admit it! It's not your fault."

"I wanted to kill Jani for something he didn't even do." Chris muttered.

"Well," I set my hand on his shoulder. "At least we're in a church. Bleed out all your sins."

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