65 | History

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| Ricky's POV |

It was really hot outside, so I invited Jacky on the bus when we got to it. He came on with me and I grabbed him a water from the fridge. Chris was on the couch, watching TV while Devin sat next to them with the baby in his lap.

"What's Jacky doing here?" Chris asked, a little snappy.

"He offered to walk me back to the bus, after TJ was starting shit." I replied. "It's okay, Chris."

"Just making sure." He muttered.

"I'll leave if you're uncomfortable with me being here, Chris." Jacky said. "I know you don't get along with all of my band."

He raised his eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

"Ronnie was complaining about you snooping the other day. He didn't say what it was all about but I don't care. Ronnie kind of hates everyone."

Chris growled a little. "Well I'm not too happy after I found out he lied to me about the situation we were discussing..."

Jacky was about to open his mouth, when the door leading to the bunks opened. Shiloh stopped, just staring at Jacky. They both just stared at each other. It was rather awkward...

"Shiloh." Jacky slightly gasped.

Shiloh was blushing rather heavy. He walked over to Jacky and hugged him as he said, "It's nice to see you, Jack."

"You too." He replied. "Are you roadie-ing for Motionless?"

"Oo-oh. No, Devin and I are engaged." Shiloh explained as he looked over at Dev, smiling.

"Wow, congratulations. Is the baby...?"

"Ours?" Dev asked. "She's only mine by blood, but we've been raising her together."

Jacky stared at the ground, mumbling, "I can't believe how much your life has changed. For the better, obviously. Look, um, about everything earlier Ricky, you didn't mention before that TJ was the one bothering you."

Shiloh glanced over at me. "He was?"

Chris snapped his head over. "He was?"

"It's not a big deal, guys." I muttered. "He just said hello, but I didn't want to be around him. That's all."

"Yeah, it always starts with hello with TJ." Jacky sneered. "That bastard."

"Am I missing something here?" Devin asked.

Shiloh sat down next to him. He sighed as he took Bella from Devin, kissing her head. "It's the past. I don't want to talk about it."

"He doesn't know?" Chris questioned.

"It's the past." Shiloh repeated.

Jacky sighed. "I should go. If you guys need anything, you know where to find me. Especially if TJ starts shit again. I wouldn't mind throwing his head against a wall, again."

"You and me both." Chris scoffed. "Thank you, for everything, Jacky."

"Yeah, of course. You know where to find me." He began to step out of the bus, and glanced over his shoulder. "Shi, you should tell Devin though. It may be the past, but he is your fiance."

"We'll talk about it." Devin muttered.

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