78 | Icy

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| Chris' POV |

Ricky ran off mid-set. To say I was worried was an understatement. We only had two songs left, so we were fine when he didn't come back. It just concerned me. Upon getting off stage, Josh informed me that Ricky ran off because he got sick and vomited. He had just told me he was fine not five minutes before!

Something is wrong. Something is definitely wrong. I went back to the bus and straight to his bunk. If he was asleep, I made sure I wouldn't wake him. He was awake though. Ricky rolled over and stared at me. His face was tear stained. My poor baby!

"How're you feeling?" I asked softly.

"Worn out." He replied.

"I can tell." I lightly chuckled. "What happened? Did you get food poisoning or something?"

"N-no. I had kind of a panic attack, because... I thought I saw something in the crowd."

I was confused... "Something?"

"Um, someone." Ricky mumbled.

"Oh... oh." I understood. Jani better not be here or I'll rip his spine out through his throat. "Get some sleep, Angel." I told him.

"I can't sleep without you."

"Okay. I'll come to bed. Just let me wash off my makeup." I smiled.

I went to the bathroom to wash up. There was some talking in the living room area but I didn't much of it. Until, Devin was suddenly next to me. He scared the shit out of me! They don't call him Ghost for nothing.

"Watch where you're randomly sneaking up on people, would ya?" I joked as I dried off my face. I started to brush my teeth as he talked.

"Sorry." Devin responded. "But there's someone here to see Ricky."

I froze for a moment, still with my toothbrush in my mouth. If it was Jani, Devin would have thrown him out. So I knew it had to have been someone else. Who the Hell would come to see Ricky here? We don't know many people on the west coast. Besides, who would be able to get back by the bus? Warped security is insanely tight.

"Ricky's asleep already." I lied. "But I can see him. I know almost all Ricky's old friends... and foes."

"He said his name was December. What kind of mother names their kid that?"

I groaned. "The same mother that thinks it's okay to raise a son that abuses his boyfriends. December is Jani's brother."

"Well what the fuck is he doing here?" Devin snapped.

I shrugged as I exited the bathroom. "Fuck if I know."

Devin walked with me out to the living area. I saw Shiloh with the baby on one side of the couch, making small talk with December, who was on the other side of the couch. He hasn't changed much from what I remember. Then again, I only met him a few times in the five years Jani was around.

"I'm going to go... make amends." Devin whispered to me.

"Go luck." I snickered, watching him head for the door. Then I turned to December. "Ricky is already asleep. He's sick, so I'm not going to wake him. I'm sorry you came all this way for nothing."

"It's okay, Chris. Maybe we can speak?" He requested.

I sighed. "Shi, would you mind?"

"Oh, yeah, of course. I'll be in the back if you need me." Shiloh picked up Bella and walked past me.

I took a seat next to December. He watched Shiloh leave, seeming a little captivated. "He's cute. Is he-"

"Gay? Yes. Taken? Yes."


I chuckled. "He's our bassist's fiancé. Now I don't mean to be forward but, what are you doing here?"

"If you mean 'here' as in away from Scranton, I'm visiting my sick aunt that lives out here. As far as 'here' as in this bus, I came to check up on Ricky." December explained.

"Why?" I seethed.

"Jani is still very angry about what happened. He swore he just wanted to see Ricky. I knew better, so I had a deal with him that I would check up on Ricky."

"Thank you." I sighed. "I don't want him near Ricky. But why to you enable your brother like this?"

"Family is family. Jani is a good brother. He's a good man that does stupid things sometimes." He said. "But I know you'll never see it as such."

"Not after what he did to Ricky," I spoke, standing up. "I hope you understand, because of those things, is why I can't keep his bloodline as company. You aren't welcomed here, and I'd appreciate if you showed yourself out. As far as Jani, tell him Ricky is doing just fine, no, incredible without him. And let that asshole know, if he dares to come even close to Ricky, I will make him regret every breath he's ever taken."

Pic December (real name Luke Slaughter) attached :p I just keep using KUZA band members as reference for characters whoops.v

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