Chapter 3: Gloria's Fatal Discovery

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Mark and Ellie sat inside their prison cell, and guess who else was there? Yep. Gloria herself.

The two of them were very confused why she wasn't in the same cell as Scrooge, Launchpad, and Glomgold anymore. The security guards eventually threatened to beat up Mark and Ellie if they didn't stop complaining about being in the same cell as their enemy; So now they were just stuck dealing with her. It also meant they couldn't carry on their previous conversation when they were confessing to one another, which pissed Ellie off especially. She may have invited Gloria to sit with them in the cafeteria after beating the shit out of her, but that didn't mean she wanted to continue socializing with her afterward. Let alone form a friendship.

All they could do was ignore her. Mark played Mario Kart on his phone and Ellie started to read an advanced mathematics textbook in her data.

Gloria could feel their hatred for her and, man, it was awkward as fuck. She figured she would do her best to break the silence and make them somewhat like her. "Sooooo good news! I know a way we can get out of here!"

Mark ignored her.

Ellie did respond despite barely acknowledging her. "You have too low of an IQ to create a quality plan with your pathetic organic brain."

"But you don't even know what my escape plan is! I'm pretty confident that it'll work." She was just going to escape the same way she escaped with Scrooge and the others the first time. "So we'll use the air vents!" Gloria pointed above her "They're big enough for us to fit in. All we have to do is just crawl around until we find the air vent that leads outside."

"An air vent that leads to the outside? How ridiculous." Ellie chuckled and it sounded a lot more unnatural than her future self. "Even if what you are saying is true, which it is not, we would get shot on sight. This facility has a heavy amount of security. I would simply wait for someone like me to come up with a better plan if I were you. I just need time. Perhaps a few weeks to gather a support system. Or, what the prisoners' call, a 'gang'."

"Okay maybe not an air vent that leads directly outside but I'm sure we can crawl around until we get close enough, right? We'll have to leave the cell to check. And, hey, if it doesn't work than we can just backtrack into the cell and come up with a better plan without the guards realizing we left!" Gloria was confident that her air vent plan would work again but she offered anyways so Ellie would be more willing to at least try.

Mark finally responded, keeping his eyes glued to his phone. "Can't you just do it? And like, come and get us if it's true?"

Ellie nodded. "Yes, I agree with Mark. You should be the one to-"

"OI!" Glomgold scuttled past Mark, Ellie, and Gloria's cell before backtracking. "IT'S ROBO-BABEH AND GLADIS!" He ignored Mark's presence because no one gives a shit about Mark.

"Oh! Hey Ms. G, Ms. E, AND Mr. B! Wow, four people. That's a lot!" Launchpad was with Glomgold and Gloria immediately knew what was going on. They were escaping with Scrooge and her past self.

Launchpad may have seen past Gloria in his own cell but he didn't question why there were two of her. He simply was too dumb to even notice.

"Uncle Glomgold?" Ellie stood up and walked over to the cell door. "Why are you out of your cell? It is dining hours. And why are you with the enemy?" She pointed to Launchpad.

Glomgold blinked one eye at a time as drool started to pool out of his beak. It took him a good minute to process her two questions. "Oh... I see..." He scratched his beard. "WELL SCROOGIE WANTED TO ESCAPE THROUGH THE AIR VENTS BUT MEH ABS ARE TOO BIG! SO MEH AND UGLY," He pointed his beefy thumb at Launchpad. "ARE GOING TO WAIT AT THE ENTRANCE FOR SCROOGIE TO KNOCK OUT THE SECURITY GUARDS AND LET US OUT! THEN! AND ONLY THEN WILL I GET THE TREASURE SCROOGIE IS LOOKING FOR!"

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