Chapter 72: Mark's Existencial Crisis

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"HEY DW!" Launchpad shouted. He drove into Darkwing's 'private' headquarters. "Sorry, I know tonight is our date night, but I brought over some friends... ummm..." He turned around in the limo and started counting. There was Pepper, Garbo, Ellie, Boyd and little old Kyle. "4 friends!"

Drake wasn't in his Darkwing Duck uniform obviously, because he thought he was about to go on a date. "Launchpad! You brought civilians into my- I mean, Darkwing Duck's super secret lair!?" Nice save.

Literally no one in the vehicle knew who the fuck Darkwing Duck was, but it was now apparent it was this Drake dude. Whatever. It's not like any of them gave a shit. They're in a Ducktales fanfiction! Not a Darkwing fanfiction! Gosh!

"I would say it is a pleasure to meet you Darkwing Duck, but I would be lying because I simply do not care for you." Obviously that was Ellie speaking. "Launchpad said you would be willing to give us a place to stay for at least one night."

"Yeah, I did say that!" Launchpad finally got out of the car, opening the door for everybody. "Don't they seem charming?" No. That wasn't sarcastic.

"Ehhh..." Drake wasn't sure what to do. "Okay. It's fine just- please don't expose my identity." Yeah he already knew that his cover was blown. "Make yourselves at home." He looked around the room. "Gosalyn should be around here somewh-"

"HEY! Look out below!" Gosalyn flew down from the ceiling with her grappling hook, crashing right into Launchpad. Launchpad laughed and hoisted her up onto his shoulder. "What's with the chumps?!" She pointed to them with her thumb.

Boyd immediately hid behind Ellie. Oh no! It was a girl his age!

"I'M PEPPER!" You know who said that. "And this is Ellie, Garbo, Kyle, Launchpad," Like Gosalyn didn't know who Launchpad was. "And Boyd!" She pulled him out from behind Ellie and pushed him forward.

"Ummm... hello." Boyd waved shyly.

Gosalyn looked at everyone, as if she was trying to figure out if she liked them or not. She smiled and hoped off of Launchpad. "Cool. What are you doing here?"

"They're hiding from some bad guys!" Launchpad answered for them.

Gosalyn's eyes widened. "Woah! Really?! That's so cool?! What's your crime?! Give me the deets!"

Drake immediately shut that down. "Later Gosalyn, later."

She huffed and walked away to do other things. Drake laughed. "You're welcome to stay as long as you need to! I'm already working on how I can help all of you with your situation." He looked over at Gosalyn. "Gosalyn!"


"Can you and Launchpad run to the house to pick up some pillows and blankets for everyone?"

"Ha! No."


"Ugh! Fine... But I expect a good getaway story from each of them later!" Both Gosalyn and Launchpad left the lair. Drake turned his attention back to his new quests. "If you need anything, let me know! I'll be over there if you do!" He pointed to W.A.N.D.A. so he could at least do something Darkwing Duck related while Gosalyn and Launchpad were away.

And just like that, the newest addition of the Glomsquad was left to their own devices.

Ellie turned to look at Pepper and Garbo. "I cannot thank the two of you enough for assisting Boyd and I in our skype. I hope your career does not go down the drain because of that."

Garbo shrugged. "Eh, don't worry about it. I was planning on quitting anyway."

Pepper brushed it off, too. "AHHHH! No biggie! Blot will help me out like he always does!" She started roaming around Darkwing's lair. "OOOOOOOOOHHHHH so many pretty thingsssss! Do you think this is cool?! Because this is cool!"

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