Chapter 20: Barbie Princess Adventure

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Gyro was chilling on the balcony connected to his and Past Gloria's room, reading the latest Time Magazine on his phone like the political nerd he was.

The door opened and slammed shut, very unlike Gloria but Gyro didn't question it.

"What? I told you my private reading hours are from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays." He snapped. What a little bitch.

"I do not care, Dr. Gearloose."

That sure as hell wasn't Gloria. It was his worst nightmare (besides Mark) Ellie. And she sat down right beside him with a manila folder in her hands.

He sat up and shot her a very angry look. "How did you even get in here?! You do not enter my suite without permission!"

She gave him a blank stare. "Gloria let me in."


Ellie continued. "I despise speaking with you and your face makes me want to observe the universe inwardly explode, but I came here to discuss co-parenting, since Boyd has chosen me," She pointed to herself, pridefully. "To be his mother figure."

Gyro practically choked on air. "He what?! You-"

She pulled out a pamphlet from her manila folder and shoved it into his hands. On the first page was a schedule. She had an exact copy and pointed to it. "I printed out a schedule. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, he will be in your custody. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, he will be in my custody. And every Sunday we will rotate. I will allow you to have him this Sunday as a sign of peace between us even though I cannot wait for the day you die from unnatural causes." He thought she was done, but she wasn't quite yet. "Also, I added tips on 'how to parent' in your pamphlet, as well as books I recommend, since you clearly are absolutely horrid at it."

He read and reread everything Ellie had given him from the folder with a really disgusted look on his face. "You can't just barge in here and make this- this-" he waved the pamphlet. "Whatever you want to call this, and expect me to just go along with it! This is the first I'm hearing about anything regarding you as Boyd's mother! I haven't even heard it from Boyd himself!"

Ellie flipped to the back of her pamphlet. "Boyd's signature is here, here, and here." She looked down at her paper. "He also drew a butterfly and a princess. Anyway," She pointed to his pamphlet. "He signed your pamphlet as well. I spoke to Boyd about this in advance and the schedule was his idea since I made it clear you and I do not get along. If you want to argue with someone, you can go ahead and argue with Boyd. Not me."

"Let me see that!" Gyro snatched Ellie's copy of the documents and looked back and forth between her copy and his own. Yep, it was Boyd's signature. He just needed that extra confirmation that this was a legit plan made by Boyd. He huffed and handed the copy back to Ellie. "How did that even happen? The whole you becoming his mother thing?" God damn, does no one talk to Gyro? Homeboy had no idea what was going on.

"Boyd and I have been socializing on our own for a little while, and yesterday I assisted him after a bicycle accident. After which he asked me to become his mother figure." She smirked at Gyro and there was an evil glimmer in her eye. "Just so you know, he does refer to me as 'mom' and I know he does not refer to you as 'dad'. Have fun with that information."

He scoffed "If that was your attempt at making me feel bad, try again! You and whatever you have to say doesn't faze me in the least." Gyro grabbed a pen that he had nearby because he was a nerd and started signing the papers. He made sure to sign his name as professional and fancy as he could as a means to show off... at least that is what he considered showing off.

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