Chapter 49: Escape From The Yandere

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"So... I could rip open his throat with my teeth. I just need to figure out how to get out of these restraints." Ellie continued to struggle.

The three weren't in restraints before until Ellie started to bite C-Note, so good job on her.

C-Note awkwardly twiddled his thumbs. "I'm right here. Not cool, dude."

Gyro sighed. "Listen, I don't want to be here either, but T-Bag is outside that door if you hadn't noticed by now." He nudged his head toward the door. "Sadly our only option is to sit here and wait. Then we can hunt down Gloria when we're released."

"Um... I'm going to have to report what you said. Sorry guys." C-Note sent a quick text message to Heidi so she could figure out what to do next. It would probably take her awhile to respond when she was getting ready for a wedding but whatever.

Gyro scoffed. "Well, this is just great."

A few more moments passed before everyone inside the basements started to hear pounding coming from inside the air vents. C-Note looked up at the vent and glared, trying to figure out what was making that noise."Must be some fucking rat..."

The air vent cover was kicked out from the inside of the vent, hitting C-Note right in the face. Homeboy fell back and was knocked out instantly. No one really cared about C-Note so who gives a shit.

Future Gloria popped her head out of the vent. She was still wearing her Floridian tourist disguise. "Heyyyyy! You guys trying to find the tacky Florida gift shops, too?!"

Gyro was happy to see Future Gloria and all, but he sighed. He really had no idea how no one saw through her disguises by now.

"No, random tourist." He said through gritted teeth. "But it would be lovely if you could help us out of these restraints so we don't die." Gyro didn't trust Heidi's word. They were so going to die.

Ellie looked up at Future Gloria. "You look familiar..."

Gyro's eyes widened. "Nope! No she doesn't!"

"No. She does..." Ellie paused and finally gasped. The realization hitting her like a truck. "You look like that nun from a few months ago!"

Boyd smiled and nodded. "Oh yeah, she does! I didn't notice until you said something!" He turned his attention to Future Gloria again. "Do you have a sister?"

Gyro felt like his IQ dropped a few points just being around Boyd and Ellie at the moment.

Future Gloria got out of the air vent and started working on getting their restraints off. She laughed "Oh yeah! You must have met Grace! Yep! She's my twin sister who devoted her life to Duck Jesus. I'm her sister uh..." Fuck. She didn't come up with a name for this disguise. "Gl- uh... Gelato?"

Gyro gave her a look. "Gelato? Like the food?" Wait... actually he wasn't one to judge, now was he? "Nevermind. It's a lovely name. Now what's your plan here? We escape through the air vents like Glomgold?"

"That is my Uncle." Ellie felt the need to add.

Gloria- or rather, Gelato just got the restraints off of Ellie and Boyd, leaving Gyro for last because she was a bitch like that. "Oh cool! Yeah, I don't see any other way out of this place so let's just crawl through the air vents! So why were you guys tied up?"

"I'm not sure. The entire thing is a bit confusing." Boyd grabbed onto Ellie's hand while he was speaking. "Some woman named Heidi wants to take my aunt away as well as marry Mark Beaks for his money. She left us here because we were getting in the way of her plan. At least, I think that's what's going on."

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