Chapter 5

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"Sure, I'll do it." I said after contemplating for a second and then proceeded scoop some rice and orange chicken on the plate that I ordered. Currently we are now sitting facing each other in one of the many food establishment surrounding DBU.

This particular spot is famous for good Chinese dishes with student friendly prices, and so almost every single table is occupied by DBU uniform clad students. I even spotted a few who are subtly looking at us but no one I particularly know.

Pete and I agreed to meet here during lunch time after my shift at the café, he just gave a vague answer when I ask him this morning why he wants to talk to me. 'School work', what does a business major needs to talk with me about school work? But the curiosity got me, and I was free anyway, so we exchange numbers and agreed to meet.

"Just like that?" Pete's face shows a disbelief expression.

I nodded to answer him, my mouth still full of the tasty orange chicken.

After he explained that he needs help building a 3D digital and a small scale model of a sewage system for his final business plan thesis, I give it some thought and think why not so that's why I decided immediately.

"Why do you look so surprised?" I said, then proceeded to sip the free Chinese tea served with our food without removing my curious eyes at Pete.

"I only give you the general idea of what I need, you're not even asking why I'm doing it and you just agreed?" The look on this his face made me laugh so hard, his looking at me like I'm a puzzle he could not solve.

"Hahaha, you said you need it for your thesis. I don't know how you will relate it to your business major, and honestly I'm not interested to know. It looks easy enough to build and I have some free time before we start our own, so why not?" He still seems like he's not convinced but stayed silent as if contemplating and proceed to pick up his discarded utensils and continued eating.

"How much?" Pete ask as we step out of the restaurant and start to walk our way back to school.

"You're the one who paid for our lunch, why are you asking me the price?" I looked at him with furrowed eyebrow.

"Tsk, I mean for the 3D and scale model. How much are you going to charge me?"

"Oooh, you already paid for it with the lunch." Pointing back to the Chinese food place we just step out of. I then grab his arm and pulled him to the ice cream shop right next to it. "An ice cream sounds good too."

"I already gave you my email address, just send me the part for the sewage system." Smiling at the cashier as I get the ice cream cone from her hold. I look back at Pete and continued talking. "I'll check and give you the list of materials we need to buy."

"You are not really charging anything? This is surprising. You Engineering people don't even mingle with other majors and you agreed to help me free of charge?"

"Oy, stop stereotyping us and you're the one to talk, I only ever see you with the Sixto and Sandee." I answered back before proceeding to eat the vanilla sundae I ordered.

"Those two are already a handful, I don't need other people to give me more headaches." He rebutted looking straight ahead, hands on his pockets as we near the Uni gate.

He does look like what the DBU students dubbed him to be - Handsome Heir Pete.

Tall, dark and unquestionable good looks. The famous scowl, those eyes that will give you chills all the way down to your spine, giving off an aura as if telling anyone who wants to even dare come close to 'back-off'.

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