Chapter 29

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Author's Note:

I knoooow, it's been so looooong.
Thank you for patiently waiting for the update. Hope you enjoy this chapter.


I know I was already awake when my mind and body recognize that my head hurt, like exploding kind of hurt. Yes, I know. Hello hangover.

Groaning, I shot my eyes back close when the sunlight made my head hurt more. I just opened it again when I felt Pete's hand run through my hair as if massaging my head.

"Drink like an adult but whine like a baby the next morning." Pete says with a smirk and I just answered him with a pout before closing my eyes again.

"Don't go back to sleep yet." I hear Pete says before I feel him getting up. "Drink this first and then sleep it off again."

He coaxed me to sit up before handing me a headache pill and a glass of water.

"No chicken noodle soup?" I say as I get the medicine and water from him.

"I'll request some for breakfast." I just nodded my head, hoping that the hotel's chicken noodle soup is as good as Pete's.

Right after swallowing the medicine, I put back down the empty glass and snuggled to Pete burying my face to his neck avoiding the bright light coming from the window. I just hear him chuckle and feel his arms wrapping around me before I succumb back to sleep.

The next thing that woke me up is the knocking on the door.

"It's probably room service." Pete says as he removes my arms around him, but before finally getting off the bed he gave me a pillow to snuggle onto.

He picks up his shirt and wear it before disappearing to answer the door.

I buried my face to the pillow Pete give me, thankfully my head feels so much better but then again, my stomach started to grumble. The room service did arrive just on time.

Waiting a few moments more, I got up when Pete is still not back from answering the door. Frowning, don't tell me he's arguing with the server because they don't have chicken noodle soup?

I get my shirt which is on top of the side table, walking my way to our room door while putting it on.

"Pete, what's taking you so long? It's fine if they don't have the soup, you can just make me one when we go back home la.." I paused when I finally see who is at the door, or rather who are at the door. It's Lily and her cousin Nicole.

"Is everything okay?" I ask as I stand beside a super annoyed looking Pete, this is not a good sign.

"I'm sorry, Kao." Lily look at me apologetically. "She just wont stop asking the hotel staff about Pete's room, so just not to cause any more commotion I just brought her here to see for herself that Pete's with you."

I look at Nicole who just seems shock that I'm sharing a room with my boyfriend. Seriously, this is getting out of hand.

"Nicole." I called her attention and that seems to pull her out of her frozen state. "After last night," Yes, even if I'm drunk, I do remember what I did last night, I maybe a bit embarrassed but I don't regret it. "I no longer know what you want us to do just to prove that Pete is my boyfriend." I continued saying.

"But..but..look at him." I look at Pete who is now massaging his head, his infamous frown is now very prominent. I have to end this soon before Pete lose his patience.

"Yes, and I'm looking at the man I love." I proudly say before looking back at her. "Please Nicole for the sake of Lily's birthday can we stop this? We don't want to end her celebration with drama, and we will probably see each other again next year and I'm still bringing Pete with me, maybe that will be enough evidence to you."

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