Chapter 20

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"See you two later." I say goodbye to Sixto and Sandee at the entry way of Business Ad Building. It's Friday and we have no class after two in the afternoon. Also, today is Kao's final defense at three, I'll be going to the Engineering Building to check on him and wait until his defense is done.

Kao mentioned that Matt and the other Engineering boys wanted to drink after to celebrate or to drink out his sorrow if he fails. I smirked, Kao's too good to not pass his defense, the only question is if he's going to have a full mark for his thesis or not.

He was hesitant at first to agree because of our little Friday cook outs, but I told him it was fine. Even though I do want Kao all for myself, I also know that he misses hanging out with his friends. It's already enough that he thinks of me first before deciding on it, seriously Kao is making soft.

I'll be supporting him on his defense and will not have time to buy and cook anyway, so why not just joint them at the bar later.

As I arrive at the Engineering Building, I found Kao pacing back and forth at the Engineering student lounge, garb in black slacks and white button-down long sleeve shirt, hair sleek back looking all cool and professional. He looks so handsome.

But his face looks so anxious, I can even see him biting his lower lips even I'm still a few meters away from where he is.

"Pete, oh thank God your here." Kao exclaims as he sees me and walks nearer to me. Clammy hands went straight to my arms. "I'm so nervous, what if something went wrong and I can't answer any of their questions?" Kao rambled, even shaking my arms a little.

I pulled him to the table where his things are and where James is sitting, chilling, as if he already surrendered on trying to calm down Kao.

"Come on, sit first." He was about to protest but I gave him a stern look. He answered me with a sullen face but proceeded to sit anyway. "You'll do fine, you reviewed it a couple of times already and your advisor gave you a couple possible question that you have already research and read about." I try to pacify him.

"What if they ask about something I haven't check yet?"

"Then just be honest and tell them you need to get back to them for that question. Okay?" He nodded his head, but his hand is still holding on me tightly, showing that he hasn't completely calmed down.

I let him be for a while as I finally greeted James, thankfully he stayed to accompany Kao even though they don't have any classes anymore.

After a few minutes of Kao still fidgeting on his seat, I got my bag and pulled out a chocolate bar. I'm supposed to give it to him later after his defense, but I think giving it to him now is a better idea.

Putting the chocolate bar at the table, Kao eyes automatically went to it. Huh, Kao and his sweets, this trick will never fail.

"Uhmm is that for me?" He gingerly asks.

"If I said no, will you believe me?" I ask with a smirk. He shakes his head and snatch the chocolate bar and proceeded to devour it, now a small smile on his face.

"And now he's all calm. Thanks Pete." James smiles at me thankfully before looking at Kao. "If I only know that a chocolate bar can calm you down, I've already bought you a whole box of it. I was getting dizzy seeing you walking back and forth." Kao just give him a sheepish grin because he was still busy munching on the chocolate bar.

Fifteen minutes before his defense start, Kao's advisor called him in for a short briefing and to get his things ready. Once Kao was in, James also leaves for he needs to run some errands first before getting drunk later, he says he was just only waiting for me to arrive so Kao will have company.

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