Chapter 22

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Monday morning, as my new routine, I will wake up extra early so I can pick up Kao and have my breakfast at the café as he does his first shift for the week. Grabbing my things, I went out my unit straight down the condo parking lot, smiling, excited to see Kao's face.

After the little stunt I made last Saturday, I just spend the whole afternoon working while Kao watch some documentary on the living room.

Okay I'm going to be honest here, I was a tiny bit nervous that Kao will be upset about the post I made, but at the end he just looks surprised and not a little bit upset about it.

It was a spur of a moment decision, which always happen when things involve Kao. It was early in the morning when I was woken up by multiple notification coming from my phone, picking up my phone from the bedside table just to see it was coming from my social media account I put it back down and snuggle closer to Kao planning to go back to sleep.

But the notification sound didn't stop, that made me irritable. Not wanting to wake up Kao for he will surely have a massive headache, I decided to pick up my phone to finally check what it is.

My mood just went from bad to worse when I saw that it was just some photos they took of me and Kao without even asking for our consent, don't they know how to ask properly? And what's all this speculation just ask us directly, ughh it was too early in the morning that I just took our picture with Kao still sleeping, posted it, turned off my phone and went back to sleep.

"Good morning." Kao greeted me with his usual bright smile as he steps inside my car. "Here." He handed me small food container. I raise my eyebrow in question. "Maria made some mango sticky rice for breakfast, I think this is the only sweet thing you like to eat so I pack some for you."

"Thanks." I smiled at him as I get the container and extended my arms to put it at the back seat. "Do you think Sam will mind that I eat it at the café?" I ask as he puts on his seat belt.

"As long as you still look handsome while eating it and attracting customers, she will even give you complete utensil to use." He answered in a very dry tone, I give him a side glance just to see that he has an indifferent face and if you know Kao, he never does that.

Wait, is he?

"You're jealous?" I smirked as I started to drive.

"Huh? Jealous? Why would I be?" He sits up straight and crossed his arms in front of him but didn't look at me, now he just sounds defensive and I can't help but snicker.

"Then what is it?" I tried to coax him more.

"Nothing." He answered in a flat voice.


"Okay, okay. I just don't like it when they try to get your attention." I see Kao pouts as I glanced at the side mirror as I'm about to make a turn.

"That's not too hard to say, right?"

"You are not mad?" I can feel that he is looking at me as he asks the question.

"Why would I be mad?" I frowned, glancing at him for a few second giving him a questioning look before concentrating back to driving.

"Because I know that you don't actually give them any of your attention, but I still feel like this." He says in a low voice, as if he is shy admitting it.

"I'm happy that you actually trust me." I can't help but smile, this is my very first serious relationship and it is just starting but it's already going so well.

"Eh you're too busy with school and work, I don't even know how I got your attention."

I laughed at that, "Haha, you're just too cute that's why." He pouted, "But I'm glad you feel jealous, it means you're possessive of me and want me for yourself." I wink at him and he just turned red all over.

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