Chapter 30

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"Waiting for someone's message?" Luke commented as I put back down my phone after checking if Kao is already done with his exams so I can pick him up at Uni.

"Yeah." I simply replied to him as we continue to wrap up our meeting this afternoon. Today is the last day of finals at DBU and mine finished earlier this morning that I have decided to go to Dad's office and complete the project that I have with Luke while waiting for Kao. He said that his exams are going to be done around five or six in the evening.

"Any plans with Sandee now that you're done with finals?" Luke continues to ask. I did mention to him what today is, but how did Sandee suddenly get involve?

"Sandee? Why would I plan anything with her? But I guess Sandee and Sixto will be tagging along with us on our trip next week." I off handedly answer. I planned the trip and of course nosy Sixto bugged me until he and Sandee can tag along to our beach trip.

"Aren't you two together?" He hesitantly asks.

"Huh?" I look at him with a bewildered expression.

"Sandee is your girlfriend, right?"

"Where did you get that?" I asked him while snickering.

He paused, suddenly looking very hesistant to speak but after a few moments I think he finally gather the courage to.

"Tita Elena mentioned once that she thought that having a lover will make you work less but it just makes you eager to do more projects. And the only one I know you are close with is Sandee so..." He paused waiting for me to finish what he is trying to say.

"You assumed that she is my lover?" He slowly nodded his head, his right hand at the back of his neck looking all embarrassed. "You should create a social media account and follow Sandee, she posts a lot of pictures with me and Kao." I know Luke also likes Sandee, but I think he is just waiting for Sandee to finish Uni. The twins doing internship here will probably be a good start for them.

"Kao?" I raised my eyebrows at Luke, he sounds like he can't believe what he just heard.

"Yeah, that's my boyfriend's name." I watched his face go from looking disbelief to surprise. "I know, I did not expect it too." I added.

He just smiled and shook his head in response to what I had just said and at the right moment my phone rang. Of course, it is my lovely boyfriend Kao.

"Hey." I said as I answered his call, we planned to have dinner together and he will stay the night at my place.

"Pete, I need to cancel on dinner." I automatically frowned when I heard Kao's shaky voice on the other line.

"What's wrong?" I asked Kao, as I started to gather my things and gestures to Luke that I would now be leaving.

"Lester broke his arm while playing, I'm heading now to the hospital." He explains in a hurried voice, I can hear the background sound of traffic, I think he is already looking for a ride to the hospital.

"Okay, I'll drive there to now." I'm waiting in front of the elevator, hoping it goes faster so I can go and make sure everything is okay.

"Thank you, Pete." Kao says before cutting the call.

It was a twenty-minute drive from Dad's office to the hospital, as I arrive I immediately ask for Lester's room and I was guided to the pediatrics section.

Knocking to announce my presence before entering the room, I was welcomed by a sleeping Lester on the bed with a cast on his right arm and Kao who is sitting beside the bed giving me a tight smile.

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