Stiches and Wires

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They test me

Attach wires

Use lights

And big machines

Trying to figure out what is wrong

But they will never find my trouble

Because it is not dectectable

No one sees

Unless I let them

So they'll stick things on me and in me

And drive me mad with beeps and tones

These machines might find broken bones

And possibly broken hearts

But they won't ever find what is right in front of them

They won't find the pains that keep me up at night

The things that debilitate me

Those are hidden until the days take flight

When the darkness that clouds my mind surrounds my body

In the silence

The perfectly painful, lonely silence

They won't realize that I am stitched together

Millions of times over by temporary things

Stitched together by people who leave

Marking scars into their path

Stitched together by perfectly formulated lies

That only hold up until I'm alone

They won't ever notice that I'm falling apart

I'm becoming sloppy

I stop covering their scars

And slip up on lies

The only thing holding together the thin thread

Is the love of a singular girl

A friend

Something I thought I would've lost by now

Just like I have lost everybody else

She makes it easier

To be stiched together and scarred

She makes it hurt less

The threads don't tear as often

But I ask too much

I need too much

And eventually

She will leave

Or I will tear her apart

And all my threads will break

Slip through my clutch and I will be lost

Lost in my sea of wires

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