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After a multitude of failed relationships

Of lost trust and pain

I've finally found someone

Someone who I trust with my body and my heart and my soul

Someone I have faith in

Who I love

But still, I'm afraid

I've been hurt and manipulated so many times

By so many people

That I can't believe for a minute that there is someone who isn't trying to hurt me

Someone who isn't trying to use me

But then you wrap your arms around me and tell me it's going to be alright

You kiss me

And you hold me close so that I melt into your arms

My head resting on your chest

And there's nothing else I want than to stay there forever


You're sweet and funny

And you have the cutest, dorkiest smile

You always know when to hug me

When to listen

When to give me space

You know everything about me worth knowing

You're the only person I really trust

The only person I've ever felt safe with

So perfect for me in every single way

With you I'm safe

Safe in my own skin

Safe in your arms


But how long can something this perfect really last?

How long until I fuck it up?

How long until we don't work anymore?

Are we really safe?

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