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I keep trying

Pushing you away

Attempting to leave

I don't feel safe when I trust

When I'm happy

And with you

I trust you

I'm completely happy

I don't know how to live like that

So I keep pushing

And pushing

And pushing

But you won't budge

You just push back

And tell me you love me

And that you care about me

You're so sweet

And dorky

And you do the stupidest things

And I'm completely in love with everything about you

You bring out the cheesiest side of me

You make me smile

And laugh

Give me cuddles and kisses when I'm sad

Hold my hand all the time

For no reason other than you want to be physically attached in some way

All the time

And you won't let me push you away

You love me even when I'm being a jerk

You don't manipulate me

Or force me into anything

Worrying about even holding my hand or touching my shoulder more than I want

You just want me

Exactly as I am

So I keep pushing away

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