Midnight Tears

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Midnight tears

Turn into hopeless screams

And angry



Midnight tears will turn into 1 am

1 am

The time for ripping out your hair

And shaking uncontrollably

It's the time for burning skin

When hot tears won't stop falling

Your monsters come out

You've lost all your energy

And you can't fight them away

They scream at you

And you scream right back

You try so hard

You'll fight till you die

But that's what they want

Eventually you break down

There's nothing left

So you let them come out

You take everything they throw at you

You swallow it

It sinks in

Already starting to destroy you

To rip you apart

Break the only part of you that was left

All of a sudden you're nothing again

And you come up with desperate plans

Anything to make it stop

But somehow

Somehow you'll make it to tomorrow

Something will drag you out of bed

When the sun rises

Maybe it's her

Or him

Maybe it's just that you don't deserve it

You don't deserve for it to end

You deserve to suffer

And cry

With burning skin

And a broken soul

And 1 am plans

Will turn into midnight tears once again

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