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Here you go again
Ripping and tearing
Pulling away every part of me that's left
Here comes the screaming and the tears
You make me feel like shit and then you make me the guilty

Every time I will be the ripped
The accused
The guilty
Because how could it be your fault
I forgot you're a saint
Must've forgotten being a victim is an excuse to hurt others
My bad

Maybe next time I'll remember
But I won't care
I'm done being walked over
So fuck you
Take a hike
If you won't, I will
And you won't be hearing from me again

You don't get to rip me to shreds anymore
You've been my biggest toxin for years
We walk in endless circles
You'll shred my soul
Break my self esteem
Remind me I'm nothing

And I'll shred my skin
Trying to make all this emotional pain fade
I'll cry till I'm bleeding and raw
Yet, I'll still owe you an apology

But I won't do it anymore
I won't let you wreck me
He's kept away so that he can't hurt us
But look what you've managed to do all on your own
I'm done with these endless circles
With the ripping and tearing
You can't touch me
If you want to see what happens just go ahead and try

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