1K Special💫

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{A/N Thank you all for all the support on this fanfic!

Like seriously I never thought that any fanfic I would post would reach this many reads unless it was because it stayed on the site for a good five years. (Sorry for the shitty picture btw)

So once again Thank you all so much for the support!

Enjoy <3}


~This takes place after the Mist Village and before the chunin exams~


3rd Pov

Luna groaned as she collapsed on the couch in her shared apartment. It's been 3 days since Team seven had come back from the Mist Village and three days where the team had resumed simple genin missions.

It felt a bit insulting to be doing such chores after everything the 4 had been through but they kept their mouth closed obeying their Hokage.

Today the team had to clean a local park, which wouldn't be so bad if a certain Uchiha and Uzumaki didn't argue the whole time. Top that with the stress of the Chunin Exams right around the corner and you have Luna's headache.

The said girl leaned her head back against the cushion of the couch as Sasuke walked upstairs to do whatever weird Uchiha things he did in his room. Luna mentally groaned as she rolled off the couch and onto the floor proceeding to crawl her way into the kitchen.

Luna gripped the edge of the counter pulling herself to her feet just as Sasuke peered into the kitchen from the doorway. He deadpanned at the girl.

"You're being dramatic."

Luna snapped her head towards the boy, scowling at him as she glared.

"I didn't ask for your opinion."

"Do I care?"

Luna opened her mouth to retort before wincing at the pounding in her head before she continued glaring at Sasuke.

"I would tell you to go fuck yourself if my head didn't hurt as if I've been hit with a brick."

Sasuke chuckled under his break before throwing a bottle of painkillers at her which she easily caught. She sent him a forced smile.


Sasuke shrugged before exiting the kitchen.

"Oh and I forgot to tell you but Sakura and Naruto will be staying over tonight!"

Sasuke poked his head back into the kitchen glaring at Luna as she smiled at him innocently.


"You heard what I said."

"Let me rephrase that. Why."

Luna shrugged, allowing her smile to grow as she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge watching the Uchiha from the corner of her eye.

"Kakashi recommended a few group exercises to me, so I thought 'Why the hell not' and planned a team sleepover."

Sasuke's glare hardened before he let out an annoyed sigh.

"Don't expect me to help you clean up after."

Luna sweatdropped as Sasuke stormed off before swallowing the pill and water. She sighed in contentment before opening a cabinet revealing a bunch of noodle cups, bags of chips, and other snacks.

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