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Children Deatheaters and Order members together

The wind grew colder and the inside of the castle grew warmer. Our outside classes were being moved to empty classrooms for the rest of the term. We had about a month and a half before leaving for Christmas break. Time was running out for everything it seemed like.

It had been a few days since Graham figured everything out. He wasn't cold towards me, but anyone could tell that he was upset with me. I was thankful that he still treated me the same during quidditch. He didn't force me for extra practices or talk bad about how I played. He was simply quiet towards me. That's what hurt.

Draco apologized for his outburst towards us. In a way he had a reason to react the way he did. He realized that with the bond, if only of was dies from magic, we all will die. He would lose all three of us at once.

The bond is something that can be made between anyone who carries the Airson curse. It can keep people alive longer, but it also can cause more than one to die. If one of goes down, we all will go with them. It's unbreakable.

Today Rigel was determined to talk to Daphne. She had been silent towards him the past days, but still ate with us and talked to me some when we were in our dorms. It took a tole on all of our friends, but she wasn't just a friend of Rigel's. She loved him.

I entered the common room with Rigel and saw Daphne on the couch, by the fire with Pansy. Theo and Blaise were on the other couch copying Draco's potions homework for Snape, while he watched in amusement. Jaden was off doing his study session with Ginny, which now days consisted of constant and harmless flirting.

Daphne heard us enter the room and turned her head towards her. I saw as her breath hitched seeing Rigel. I gripped my twin brother's hand and whispered in his ear, "Go talk to her. She's worth saving."

He nodded and walked his way towards her. I saw the Sirius in him kick in and that infamous smirk curved into his lips, as he approached her. He sat down on the table in front of her, blocking her view of the fire. I stood back clasping my hands together hoping this would work.

Rigel looked Daphne in the eyes, "You will never understand why we did what we did, but we did it. It can't be undone. The bond has been made and I am bonded to not only my twin sister, but my cousin. Daphne, I like you a lot, maybe even enough to say that one bold word, but I won't risk ruining this. I have fancied you since the moment we met in first year. I should have told you what we were doing, but I'm not going to let that stop me from telling you how I feel. Daphne, will forgive me?"

It took no time for Daphne's arms wrap around Rigel's neck. She buried her head into the crook of his neck and nodded. It made my heart go warm seeing how happy my brother was to have the girl he loved back.

I walked over and looked at Daphne and Pansy, "Can you forgive me as well? I think Rigel did enough talking for the both of us. I just want things to go back to how they were."

"He may have talked to them for you, but that doesn't mean we don't need to talk, Rotanev." I looked up to see Graham standing at the bottom of the boys stairs with Adrian and Miles beside him. His eyes met mine, "I'm ready to talk."

Theo scoffed, "I think you said enough the other day. You disrespected her and her family. That says a lot about who you are. Don't even get me started on how you spoke to her" I turned to see Theo raging with anger.

Graham raised his brow, "How I talk to my girlfriend is my business. I don't need you telling me how to control my relationship, so say out of it Nott. She's my girlfriend after all. She shouldn't even be friends with a deatheater like you."

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