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The Start to The End: Part One

May 1st, 1998


Time seem to move slowly as the war approached. Rigel and I's birthday was in four days, but we knew we would never make it. Tom wanted to start the war now, but he had something to do first.

He had summoned all of us, late at night, to Malfoy Manor. Draco had been staying at the Palace with us, so the four go dresses and ready then headed to the manor. Little did we know that we should have stayed home.

We walked into the meeting room and saw Tom at the head of the table as normal, but Pansy was beside him. Her hands were tied together and her head hung low. In Tom's hand was the Elder Wand. He had a deathly hallow.

Rigel started walking slower, "Where did you get that?" Tom didn't reply, "Don't make me ask you again, Tom."

"That name means nothing to me!" Tom yelled, "I went to Dumbledore's grave and received it. It's the most powerful wand there is. Harry and I share the same core, so I needed a new one. Miss Parkinson was the one to disarm Dumbledore, so the wand is her's."

Jaden stood closer to me than normal, "Why is she tied up then? All you need to do is allow her to hold the wand, then disarm her. She doesn't need to be tied up for this." ​​

Tom stood up from his seat and held onto Pansy's shoulder, "While that would be easy, I find killing her easier. She's been weak and I can not allow one of my followers to be weak. Too bad it's not Mister Nott. He's the real weak link of us all."

I turned my head to see Theo seated between his father and Narcissa. His eyes were filled with tears knowing the end for his best friend was near. He never wanted this. In the end none of us truly wanted this.

"Why do you need us here for this?" I chimed in, "You don't need us here for you to kill her. You make the rules when it comes to killing, not us."

Tom's evil smile grew, "That's the thing. After I kill her it will officially be May 2nd, the planned date to attack Hogwarts. I would like you four to give Snape a hand at the school before trying to do anything. Maybe Potter will be dumb enough to show his face there first."

Pansy looked up from the floor and her eye's met mine, "I am so sorry, Rotanev. I never meant for this to happen. I just wanted to make my parents proud." She sobbed at Tom placed her in the spot to kill her.

Her words echoed through my ears over and over again. She was just like Rigel and I and wanted to make her parents proud. She was no better than we were.

That is why I had to allow her to die. She would continue to fight, but in a new form.

Jaden gripped my hand and looked at Tom, "Get it over with. I don't want anymore time wasted here with these dreadful people."

Rigel looked away as Tom said those two ugly words and the green light filled the room. I heard Pansy's body drop to the floor and Tom laugh. The wand was truly his.

I pulled Rigel with me as he still kept his eye's way from Pansy's body. Her skin was already cold when my hand made contact with it. Tears filled my eyes as I whispered, "Miss you already, Pansy. You will be a service to me, but only for a short time."

Rigel touched her arm, as did I, and her body slowly disappeared and became one of our shadows. No, she wouldn't be a peace, but when we die as well, then we all will be at peace. It's clear that this was meant happen.

Theo stood up from his chair and stormed out of the room crying. My heart broke as I had realized I was causing more pain as time passed. Never once did I slove any pain. I just caused more.

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