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Lauren's POV

It's been a month now after i confronted Olivia at the bar. She quickly respond by leaving the country on the other day. That was too quick as i was expected. Everyone was curious about why would Olivia leave without saying a bid farewell with her friends, and even her professors are also asking about it. But one thing is for sure, she will never comeback.

"Hush Lucas, dont lick that. Its dirty baby, you might get sick." Lucas is playing now on his crib. He usually suck anything that he hold with his grip and im afraid that he can get bacteria that will affect his health.

Since Manang left us, i learned to manage time to do household chores and everything. The semester and school year basically ends and its summer. Next academic year, i will be on my internship.

My parents together with Red and I talk about it. I still can go with my intership if i will choose our company. I honestly feel a little upset because i want to try to be an intern with other company were in they will treat me as an ordinary person without special treatment. But they insist that i will never take my internship unless it will happen in our company. But unlike the other intern like Jade and Arius who can take their intership for about 5 days in a week, i can just take it atleast 2 to 3 days in a week due to pregnancy and i understand it.

Red started to take his training at the same time he is taking his trisemester so he can finish his course earlier. Once he graduated from college, he will be introduce as a young CEO of our company. How i wish he wont be stress out just like i saw him these past few days. He got his tired eyes but still compress a smile when he sees Lucas and play around. He always make time for us even if he got a lot things to work with.

"" i look at Lucas as he blabber a word. He is staring at me and point me while giggling.

"Oh my God. Did you just call me Mama? Baby come on , i wanna hear it again. Say mommy." I am waiting for him to speak again.

"" my heart bounce when i clearly hear his first word.

I get him on his crib and shower him with hugs and kisses. I never imagine that his first word would be calling me. I am actually got teary eyes, i just felt so much happiness.

"I love you Lucas. Mommy loves you so much. Dont grow up too fast okay?" He just giggle and play with my hair.

I look at the wall clock and it's already 6:30pm but still no sign of Red. I look at my cellphone to check if he leaves me a message and i got disappointed that his not.

"We will wait for Daddy to come home baby okay? But you need to accompany me on making our dinner." I walk towards our kitchen as i put Lucas on his stroller and give him his pacifier.

I'll make a way to cook our dinner while watching Lucas. Luckily he behave well and his in a good mood. Maybe because he really sleep well earlier.

It's already 7:30pm when i finish preparing our dinner. I grab some plates and utensils so once Red came home we can start to take our dinner together.

I went to Lucas and take him with me as we go to the living room. He is making unnecesary movement that later on urge him to cry. I immediately made his formula milk so he will stop crying.

Gosh Red what took you so long?

I sat on the couch while holding Lucas who is busy now dealing with his milk. I yawn due to tiredness and lack of sleep. Being a wife and a mom is a tough job. And it makes me love and adore my Mom even more. Speaking of my parents, they always visited us even Red's parents they regularly take sometime to bond with their grandchild.

Out Of My LEAGUETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon