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5 years Later...


It's been 5 years since I gave birth to my twins. Lucas is now in his 7th Grade while Chico and Caleb were in Kinder Garten. Yeah, you heard it right my boys were completely grown-ups now but just like their Dad, they were overprotective over me.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Speaking of my baby. Caleb is running here in my bedroom.

"Caleb, why are you screaming? You know I can hear you without shouting, right?" He climb over to the bed that made me sit so he can sit on my lap. Instead of telling me his reason, Caleb places his head at the crook of my neck and begins to sob.

"M-mommy. Daddy told me that you didn't love me anymore. He told me that you and Dada will give me to the orphanage so I can be loved. He complained that I drink too much milk and I ate a lot even Chico's food, but still I have the guts to cry. Daddy loves Chico and Kuya Lucas but not me, they are his favorite and I am no one, Mommy." Caleb is crying his heart out loud that made me pissed with his Jerky Dad.

"And you believe him more than Mommy?" he slowly look at me wearing his puffy eyes.

I can say that Caleb is more like Red, he's clingy, easily got jealous, a trouble maker but he's the sweetest. While Chico, I don't know where did he got his attitude but he's fun on teasing his twin brother but easily got pissed. He got the shortest temper of all. He always gave a cold shoulder to everyone when he's not in the mood but still he's soft when I am the one who's soothing him. Red always complain that Chico and I were having the same bitchy attitude that made me kick his shaft anytime he told me such a thing.

"No, I don't believe him but I'm hurt, Mommy." I kissed his forehead and wipe his tears.

"When you and Chico came to our life, I love you both, equally. I don't care if you ate a lot or you drank a lot of milk more than Chico. You are both amazing baby, don't listen to your Dad when he told you those things. If you want I can send your Dada to the Orphanage instead, how about that?" Caleb immediately hugs me and pamper me with kisses all over my face.

"You're the best Mommy! Let's do that. Let's send Dada to the orphanage, I can help him pack his things right now." with that note Caleb immediately jumps off from the bed and run outside.

I massage my temple and decide to go outside to see my boys. Earlier I'm suffering from nausea that's why I ask Red to clean up the house before we visit someone. It's Sunday and it's the end of the Month, that's why we are visiting him.

Him-- I am referring to Jhared's brother Marcus. If you were asking how we end up the clash between us and Marcus well let me tell you some part of it.

5 years ago, after I gave birth to the twins Marcus showed up with Miles in the hospital. I was left alone inside my room because Red and Lucas went home to grab some clothes for me while my twins were sleeping in the nursery.


"Fuck! Lauren, my love finally. We can live together forever." He walk towards me slowly with holding a gun in his left hand.

"M-Marcus.. h-how can you----" He cut me off by putting his gun on my lips.

"Shhhh. Wala kanang dapat malaman Lauren. Ang mahalaga nandito na ako para iligtas ka kay Bryle. Alam kong hindi ka kailan man magiging masaya sa kanya dahil lolokohin ka lang niya. Samantalang ako, handa kong ibigay sayo ang buong mundo." I am trembling but I can't do anything I'm still weak, I just gave birth yesterday and I'm still on recovery.

Out Of My LEAGUETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon