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Third Person's POV

"Avi, hindi ka ba papasok?" Tanong ni Mrs. Keller sa labas ng pinto ng kwarto ni Lauren.

Kanina pa ito kumakatok pero wala ni isang tugon itong nakuha mula kay Lauren.

It's been 3 weeks after Red left her at their mansion. He never tried to call her or even text after that day. But unlike before, Lauren never shown a suicidal attempt.

She went to work to accomplish her task and went home late na mukhang inuubos ang oras sa trabaho.

Nakatingin si Lucas kay Lauren na nakahiga sa kama at walang humpay na umiiyak. Tanging si Lucas lang ang nakakita kung gaano kahina si Lauren. She never cried in front of her parent nor in front of her friends.

"Mommy are you staying here for a day?" He innocently ask his Mom.

Lauren look at her son. She wave her hand para palapitin ito sa kanya.

"Can i sleep here for a day? I don't want to go to work today baby. I need to recharge my energy." Saad nito kay Lucas na nakatitig lang sa kanya.

He touch her swollen eyes using his thumb. He lean closer to her and kiss it. He hold his Mom's face using his bare hands while kneeling in front of her.

"Daddy left you again that's why you cried so much right?" Nagulat si Lauren sa binigkas ni Lucas sa kanya.

She bit her lips and nod her head.

"He's completely a jerk, Mom." Lauren furrowed her eyebrow.

"I told you baby that Mommy is the person who can call him that name." But Lucas shook his head.

"Not anymore Mommy. I hate him." Lauren pouted and hug her son.

"Don't hate him Lucas. He loves you. The things between us has nothing to do with you." Paliwanag niya dito subalit nanatiling tahimik si Lucas.

She look at the clock and it hits 6:30 in the morning. Lucas often sleep beside her mula nang umuwi sila sa mansion. He never leave her as if he take all the responsibility for her.

"I don't wanna see him anymore. He always makes you cry." She felt the sympathy from her child that melts her heart.

"Lucas don't say that. I just miss him that's why i cry a lot. He's still your Dada right?" He shook his head immediately.

"Not anymore." Humiwalay si Lucas aa yakap mula kay Lauren at umupo ng ayos sa ibabaw ng kama nito.

"I hate him for not fulfilling his promises. He gave us hope that we can still be together as a family. He teach me how to depend on him but at the end of the day he left us." Lauren started to cry upon hearing her son, just like her nasasaktan din si Lucas.

"Am i the reason why he left us? Because i push him to celebrate my birthday with us? I--i'm s--orry Mommy." He's tears started to fall.

Lauren held his hand and smile.

"It will never be your fault baby. He loves you and there's nothing to doubt about it. Maybe he's just busy that's why he never show up for the past 3 weeks. But i know he'll make it up to you. Don't be upset Lucas. I am being emotional these past few days because of hormonal imbalance." She tried to sooth him para mabawasan ang pag aalala ni Lucas sa kanya.

Napatingin sila sa pinto ng may kumatok na naman dito.

"Avi, Lucas needs to prepare himself. It's already 6:45 am. Baka malate siya pag inabot kami ng traffic." Naalala ni Lauren na may pasok nga pala ngayon si Lucas.

Out Of My LEAGUETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon