Chapter 4 - Silence

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"I will let you rest within my tails today, hm? How does that sound? You've got all the fluffy, soft pillows to yourself! What a lucky radish you are, yes, yes!"

Wei Ying was grinning brightly, looking down towards the small bulge.

He barely dodged the sharp blade aiming for his throat.


The cultivation world was a strange place.

It was inhabited by many different spirits. Some good, some bad, some both.

The Lan dragons were an esteemed spirit sect. Powerful and righteous, with pure and glistening scales across their body. The whiter the scales, the more powerful the dragon. Only immortal beings and the children of the main clan, such as the Jades of Gusu and their father, were born pure. Some said their scales were glowing iridescent in the sunlight.

Everyone looked up to them as the picture of perfect moral and cultivation. Yan energy following in their wake, illuminating their path.

There were those that were not as esteemed or pure, but powerful just the same. The huge oxen of the Jin clan with horns larger than the antlers of dragons. The lotus and tigers of the Jiang sect, one gentle and one fierce. The hawks and eagles of the Nie sect, a strong and intelligent force to deal with.

Then, there were the foxes, right next to the almost extinct phoenix of the Wen sect.

There was a saying: Never trust a smiling fox, for there was nothing good on its mind!

They cultivated through resentful yin energy. There were only few exceptions, those of mixed blood or those who did not grow with another of their kin. Witty, ruthless and intelligent. Impulsive, playful and shameless, they were called.

Wei Ying heard everything. Every believe, every insult and every description. With some he disagreed, some were quite accurate for him. Such as a witty mind, the ability to slip out of unwanted situations.

That was exactly the reason why he wanted to bang his head onto the trees around him, right this instant.

Witty and intelligent! Of course. If his kin could see him, failing with the tiniest things! Being frustrated out of his mind!

The tiny dragon was an angel. Truly. With its cute face, large eyes, red scales and this adorable claws of her. How she snuggled close to him, how she chirped happily at receiving a pat on the head or a grooming. Wei Ying could die every second because of heart failure when met with the happy lizard. Or when he discovered the rumbling purring again, when she felt comfortable and save.

Then there were moments like this.

The tiny noodle was jumping through tall grass, without a care in the world. She did it for hours on end now. Maybe Lan Yuan wanted to start her flying career or she simply wanted to bring Wei Ying to his grave. Either way, he didn't care anymore and it was already too late for that.

Every try to catch that slippery fish met a dead end. Sometimes his hand brushed against the tiny string of fur that grew at the end of the dragon's tail. A-Yuan chirped happily every time that happened and retreated out of his grip.

Even with its bright red color his child seemed to know how and where to hide to not be seen. And to Wei Ying's bad luck, there were thousands of insects within the tall grass. A buffet for hungry dragon children it seemed.

Safe to say, now that little A-Yuan found a playground it was hard to snap her out of it. Even harder in his human form, tails moving agitated behind him.

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