Chapter 27 - Explosion

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"Hanguang-jun! Hanguang-jun! Master Wei!", Nie Huisang yelled and finally, Wei Ying had the opportunity to get a good look at him. He always was a cry-baby in their past, a shy and mild person that did not dare to get into any conflicts. It always had a more playful, mischievous character behind it, something that drew the playful fox like a moth to the flame.

But never in the years before, did he see him crying, shouting and so desperate in all seriousness, like in this moment. It was a pure, raw feeling of hopelessness that pressed against Wei Ying's chest like a blade.

"Help him. Help him! Help my brother!"


Both of them made haste as they stepped onto Bichen.

As he stood on the cold blade, Wei Ying found himself wishing to stay there, right within that safe little bubble they found themselves in for the last days.

Really, he felt how good this little break did him. How much he liked this time, spent only with Lan Zhan and the sky as their witness. It made the vegetables tastier when he needed to swallow them down as they had prepared to depart.

At first, he had eyed some of the little rabbits hopping around, but when Lan Zhan glared at him so hard that his eyes almost gained fire, he decided against it. After the sudden message, Wei Ying didn't know how to behave around Lan Zhan anymore.

But not just after that look.

Thoughts drifted around his head non-stop, thoughts of what happened before the butterfly arrived. What he was about to do-

What even was he about to do?!

Maybe the answer laid in the way his silver eyes were always roaming around Lan Zhan's face when the same wasn't looking, focusing on those plump lips that dared to taunt him. Or pools of molten gold, blinking back at him in their unyielding way, until the fox averted his gaze with a heavy blush.

A part of him wanted to just stay. Stay here with Lan Zhan. But his little radish waited for him to return from his mission. And as he wished, he finally had the time to think about what was going on and what he really wanted.

Especially as Lan Zhan positioned one arm around his stomach as Bichen soared through the sky. Which left a burning trail of fire on his skin. Which pressed against him in such a secure grip that he almost couldn't do anything else but lean back against that broad chest at his back.

What did he want, really?

After making so many promises, after only caring about others wishes, after trying to be good enough – he needed to think about what he wanted after so, so long.

It was unnatural to him, this sudden train of thought. But it was everything he needed to do, for himself and for Lan Zhan.

The dragon had trouble to look at him recently, which may be at fault to their two days-long journey back towards Koi Tower. Even though they flew on Bichen, Wei Ying was always turned away from him, although safe in his arms. There was no long opportunity to talk or look at each other, but the silence was almost present and stretched like molten glue.

Wei Ying couldn't help but to miss the frequent breaks they took as they began the mission. Right now, Lan Zhan had sped up Bichen and cut off not needed breaks. That did not mean that Wei Ying didn't force Lan Zhan to take them when he suspected he was exhausting himself. Under the disguise of being hungry and exhausted of course, whining until the dragon complied.

Within the nights and breaks, when Lan Zhan's inner clock compelled him to sleep, the fox watched over him. Only with the fire and the open sky as his witness did he allow himself to stare at the dragon until his heart pounded so hard that his face vanished in between his hands. Or his seven tails were so restless, bumping onto the ground that he worried Lan Zhan might wake any second.

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